Home African Caribbean Matterhorn Exposes Bounty Killer’s Dirty Eating Habits

Matterhorn Exposes Bounty Killer’s Dirty Eating Habits

by caribdirect
Kerran CaribDirect staff writer

Staff writer – Kerran Monroe

Caribbean news. Ah boy…Bounty Bounty Bounty.  You need to get off Twitter and every other form of social media for 2014.  First it was the Twitter beef; now it is Tony Matterhorn of all people whom you’ve decided to take on this time.

So it all started when Matterhorn posted a video on social media, where he wore a wig, mocking the “broke females” in the dancehall who are all up in the camera posing as if they are loaded.  Bounty Killer, of course being the general that he is just could not let it slide.  In Bounty’s world, men should not wear wigs; just as Mr. Vegas.

Tony Matterhorn. Photo courtesy www.hulkshare.com

Tony Matterhorn. Photo courtesy www.hulkshare.com

So Bounty Killer decided to give Tony Matterhorn a social media “page”, in true Bounty style.  So of course in true Tony Matterhorn “sketel” style, Matterhorn decided to make another video, wearing the same wig, where he attempted to expose Bounty’s eating habits.

In the video he was playing the role of Bounty Killer’s girlfriend, lying in a bed calling Bounty to come “eat” his dinner.

So tell me now; how can one even argue with someone like that.  The man clearly doesn’t care.  Arguing with Matterhorn on that level is just pointless; there is no winning, especially if you are Bounty Killer.  I know Bounty Killer can “trace”; I mean he is credited giving names such as Waste Crosses, Betweenie Man, Gaygas among others.  So I cannot dispute the ability of the Killer when it comes to giving a proper “tongue lashing”; no pun intended.  However, Matterhorn is known for being a “sketel”; so for a general to even enter that clash would be like comparing apples and oranges.  Moreover, Bounty would just be ridiculed by Matterhorn; like he was in Matterhorn’s response video.

Take my advice Bounty, give social media a break papa.


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