Home African Caribbean Making smoothies is trending

Making smoothies is trending

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Vilma Brunhuber Holistic Integrative Nutrition and Health Coach

Vilma Brunhuber, Holistic Integrative Nutrition and Health Coach

Health news. In case you haven’t heard, juicing and making smoothies is trending.  Recent claims have promised that drinking fresh-pressed juices can help you

– lose weight,
– boost immunity,
– prevent cancer
– cleanse your system
 Should I juice my veggies or should I blend them?
Comparing juicing with blending is like comparing jogging with yoga. They’re both a form of exercise, they’re both very healthy with a different benefits. 
Watch video for more details:

This is a smoothie recipe I tried today:
‘Clean Breeze’ smoothie
  • 1 small cucumber, chopped
  • 2 ripe kiwis, peeled
  • 1 cup kombucha
  • 1 inch peeled ginger
  • 1/2 cup almond milk
  • handfull fresh parsley leaves
I would love to hear your thoughts and your favorite recipes.
You can find more suggestions on:

My website www.vilmaswellness.com ,

Facebook http://www.facebook.com.vilmaswellness,

Twitter @vilmaswellness ,

or by joining my thyroid group [email protected] .

Or you are welcome to contact me personally via [email protected]

To your health,



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