Tony Kelly. Photo courtesy Birmingham and Solihull CCG
Hello everyone,
Please find attached the final draft of the letter which is being sent on Thursday of this week to John Crabtree the Chair of the Commonwealth Games 2022 committee.
I am going to in crystal clear terms explain the process going forward.
- We need people of every ethnic background across the globe to lend their support to the letter. It cannot be electronic signatures as that will be too time consuming and some people will not have the facility to do so. Instead all you need to do is send me an email with your name and your position in life even if it is unemployed/job seeker next to it. It might be the name of an organization which will want to go next to a person’s name. There are a few examples below as aiming to keep it simple and brief.
Photo courtesy https://www.insidesport.co/
Example. Mr Jim Bloggs — Housekeeper
Ms. Stephanie Bloggs – Teacher
Mrs. Olive Branch- Farmerr
Mr. Fitz Smith – High School student
2. Kindly note that the letter is NOT subject to any suggested changes at this stage.
3. Please circulate it far and wide.
4. This demands a quick turn around and all expressions of interest must be returned by Wednesday 15th July at 00.00 midnight so the letter can be sent on Thursday morning.
5. This is about all of us in a collective way making our feelings known to the top level in reference to the Commonwealth Games 2022 normally dubbed as the ‘Friendly Games’. To have our concerns officially recorded in writing from a historical context sends out a clear message as there has been a lot of talking in the past but no action.
Kind regards,
Tony Kelly
A concerned Birmingham citizen.