Home African Caribbean KTVA reporter Charlo Greene quits job live on air

KTVA reporter Charlo Greene quits job live on air

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World news. KTVA reporter Charlo Greene quit her job on live TV last night, outing herself as the owner of an Alaskan cannabis club and declaring “f*ck it”.

Having grown weary of reporting the news, Greene told viewers she would instead be putting all her energy into the fight to legalise marijuana in the state, having previously reported on the Alaska Cannabis Club without mentioning her connection to it.

In a jaw-dropping twist to the end of a segment she was presenting, she said: “Now everything you heard is why I, the actual owner of the Alaska Cannabis Club, will be dedicating all of my energy toward fighting for freedom and fairness which begins with legalizing marijuana here in Alaska.

“And as for this job, well, not that I have a choice but, f**k it, I quit.”

The Alaska Cannabis Club, which connects medical marijuana cardholders with local growers, urged its Facebook followers to tune into KTVA earlier in the evening.

Following Greene’s mic drop, the main anchor could only stutter: “Alright we apologise for that….we’ll, we’ll be right back.”

Greene has since started an Indiegogo campaign for cannabis reform, explaining in its summary: “I’m Charlo Greene, the president and CEO of the Alaska Cannabis Club – Alaska’s only legal medical marijuana resource.

“I just quit my news reporting job on live TV to announce that I am redirecting all of my energy toward helping to end a failed drug policy that has ruined the lives of far too many Americans.”



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