Home News by RegionAnguilla News Kathy Haskins of Shoal Bay Villa Resort, is this year’s “Hotelier of the Year”

Kathy Haskins of Shoal Bay Villa Resort, is this year’s “Hotelier of the Year”

by caribdirect

The 2011 Tourism Gala and Awards, which was held at Coba Restaurant at Viceroy Anguilla,  on Thursday December 1st,  was a top class event featuring a televised ‘Oscar style’ awards ceremony, wonderful food in a glorious setting, with  fine wines and  one of the largest door prize draw ever  in Anguilla, with a total of 36 prizes drawn.

The venue was spectacularly dressed by the world famous, BLACK ORCHID FLORIST, and well handled by the talented staff of Viceory Anguilla,  a total number of 168 tourism professionals – all dressed to the nines – truly was a reflection of Anguillas uniquely up market tourism product. The guests were photographed and filmed as they arrived on  the Red Carpet, and  enjoyed a cocktail reception which was  sponsored  DIGICEL ANGUILLA,  before taking to their  seats at tables which  was each named after a different BIRD,  Graphics for the tables was produced by EVASS Printers. Denise and Rocklyn Maynard, of Professional Photos produced the live video footage of the arrivals and filmed the awards ceremony which was shown on multiple screens around the venue creating a very lush and special feeling. Fine wines were provided by CHATEAU ST. MICHELLE by their agent, Les Grand’s Vins de France

The ceremony commenced with The National Anthem, followed by  The National  Song. The Invocation was delivered by REVEREND CANDIS NILES, (Director of the Anguilla Hotel and Tourist Board) followed by an introduction delivery by  Mr. DELROY LAKE Vice President of the Anguilla Hotel and Tourism Association and Manager of Anacoana Boutique Hotel, this was then followed by a message from THE GOVERNOR of Anguilla, MR.  ALISTER HARRISON, and HONORALBE MR. HAYDN HUGHES, PARLIMENTARY SECRETARY WITHIN THE MINISTRY OF TOURISM.

MRS. GILDA GUMBS-SAMUEL, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE ANGUILLA HOTEL AND TOURISM ASSOCIATION, then joined Mr. Delroy Lake at the podium and started awards proceedings.  The fast moving awards ceremony honored tourism professionals across a number of categories and the excitement of the crowd was palpable as most of the awardees were unaware that they were winner that night.

The 2011 Anguilla Tourism Awards were awarded as follows:

  • Pioneer Awards, Sponsored by Caribbean Commercial Bank
    • Mrs. Amelia Vanterpool Kubisch
    • Mr. Jack Wigley Sr. (Graciously accepted by his son, Jack Wigley Jr.)
  • Ports Employees of the Year, Sponsored by First Caribbean International Bank
    • Margaret Reid Seaport Employee of the Year
    • Debrah Connor Airport Employee of the Year
  •  Allied Member of the Year, Sponsored by Cap Juluca Hotel
    • Mrs. Melinda Goddard –ClienTell Consulting
  • Media House/Media Personality of the year.
    • Mr. Nat Hodge for The Anguillian Newspaper
  •  Employee of the Year, Sponsored by the National Bank of Anguilla
    • Nominated:
      • Eugene Hodge- Cuisinart Golf Resort and Spa
      • Travis Simpson-Viceroy
      • Marge Roberta Hughes-Carimar
      • Terrence “CASA” Rogers:-CapJuluca
    • The Employee of the year award was won by Mr. Travis Simpson of  Viceroy Anguilla
  • Supervisor of the Year, sponsored by the National Bank of Anguilla
    • Nominated:
      • Patricia Bryan-CapJuluca Hotel
      • Susan Brooks-Frangipani
      • Kendra Gajadher –CuisinArt Golf Resort and Spa
      • Lenox Carty-Viceroy Anguilla
    • The Supervisor of the year award was won by Ms. Susan Brooks of Frangipani Beach Hotel


  • Special Commendation for ongoing contribution to the Gala and Award was presented to Ms. Nathalie Le Senchael-Les Grand Vins De France
  • Restaurant and Villa Members of the Year-Sponsored by Cape Air
    • Restaurant of the year went to Sand Bar-JoAsh Procter and Denise Carr.
    • Villa Member of the Year went to Mrs. Jackie Pascher of Island Dream Properties

The Awards presentation culminated with a champagne toast as Mrs. Sherille Hughes, President of the Anguilla Hotel and Tourism Association,  and 3rd Vice President of the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association,  read out the commendation for 2011 Hotelier of the Year, sponsored by Scotia Bank Anguilla Ltd. The winner was: Mrs. Kathy Haskins-Shoal Bay Beach Villa

The award was presented by Mr. Kerwin Jn. Baptise, Manager of Scotia Bank Anguilla, and Mrs. Sherille Hughes.

The announcement of Mrs. Haskins success in receiving the coveted trophy was greeted with a huge round of applause from her colleagues in the tourism industry.

Also during the evening, Ms. Gina Brooks, Tourism Planner within the Ministry of Tourism, and Mrs. Gilda Gumbs Samuel, Executive Director of the AHTA and organizer of the Annual Tourism Gala Awards, entertained the crowd with the hugely enjoyable ‘Door Prize Draw’.  Fantastic gifts and Prizes included hotel and villa stays, restaurant vouchers, gift vouchers, flights, spa treatments, gift baskets, and gifts from Lime and Digicel.

The evening drew to a close with a Vote of Thanks delivered  by Ms. Gina Brooks, who thanked the Guests , Awardee, Suppliers, Prize Givers and Viceory Anguilla, and their staff for a fabulous evening, who had all  worked together to provide exemplary service.

The evening ended with guests dancing to music by the ever popular Boss and the Horsepower band, and it was a wonderful end to an excellent event.

The now famous “Tourism After Party” got on the way at the Sunset Lounge, with music and dancing. Music was provided by DJ Sugar.

The Tourism Gala is the glittering event of Tourism Week, which takes place every year during the last week of November. Tourism Week is organized by the Ministry of Tourism, The Anguilla Tourist Board and the Anguilla Hotel and Tourism Association.

Special Thanks were extended to everyone that  contributed tomaking this another Fabulous and Successful Tourism Gala and Awards Event.

(Source http://www.anguillanews.com/enews/index.php/permalink/4132.html)



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