Teen Scene columnist Jade Roberts
June 27th 2020, the 1 year anniversary of 12 year old Shukri Abdi who was taken from the world due to bullying. Her body was found in the River Irwell located in Bury where she had drowned.
Shukri was from Somalia, a refugee who lived in a refugee camp in Kenya before she fled to England with her mother and four siblings in 2017. She went to Broad Oak High School before her death and at the time of her death she was surrounded by pupils from her school.
Shukri’s mother explained how she was a victim of very intense bullying from those who went to school with her.
The case following the investigation of her death resurfaced globally as The Black Lives Matter Movement took place after the tragic loss of George Floyd.
The case opened again in February, but was adjourned without a confirmed later date.
There were multiple events and protests that occurred in remembrance for Shukri Abdi on the anniversary of her death. Most took place in the UK, Los Angeles and Toronto. Millions of people have signed the ‘Justice for Shukri’ petition including Star Wars actor, John Boyega and many other celebrities.

The late Shuki Abdi. Photo courtesy Qalajo
It is known that there were 4 students present, but was heard by the inquest that one of the children had said ‘if you don’t get in the water I’m going to kill you’ but claimed it was meant as a ‘joke’.
The children explained to the court about the horrible drowning.
It was told that after the children who were involved (those of who cannot be named) in the accident had finished watching Toy Story 4 in a cinema agreed to go down to the river, including Shukri.
They said that Shukri did not seem bothered in going with them. They then asked her if she was able to swim and she replied that ‘she was alright’. One of the children then claimed that they did all go in the river. Shukri and one child went out to a deeper side of the water while the others stayed in a shallow area.
It was said that she had her arm around one of the children, but shortly after they let her go and began to swim back to the shallow end with the others.
After letting go Shukri began to lose control. One explained to the court ‘Then Shukris head went under and came back up. I think she was trying to say something, but she couldn’t, trying to call out but she couldn’t.’ It was said that one of the children appeared to be laughing while she was drowning, but then claimed that they thought she was joking until they realised she wasn’t. Two of them then jumped in the water to try and save her by pushing out a stick to help pull her in.
After not being able to help her one of the children ran to a nearby police station to alert them of what was happening. Who was then acknowledged by being brave and trying to help save Shukri from drowning.
The case is still being investigated and we wish for peace and justice for her family. You can chat with me about this on FB: https://www.facebook.com/caribbeanhookup/