Home African Caribbean Journey Of A Sister: A Black Love Story

Journey Of A Sister: A Black Love Story

by caribdirect

Dear reader,

I’ve been off the scene for a couple of years rebuilding my mind and my business after a major crash…

But with the help of my in-tuition, I was able to recover much faster than usual; within 6 weeks of discharging myself from a psychiatric ward in January 2019, I had turned my novel Journey of a Sister into a film script. I then revised the book to match the script, because a lot of the dialogue changed, and I even wrote some new scenes!

I then recorded my novel as an AUDIOBOOK – this is the Third and final Edition, so even if you read the First Edition (Single, Spiritual…AND Sexual!) you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the changes, especially if you didn’t read the Second Edition!

Watch this video where I share my book journey: https://youtu.be/8_HhpaQvGYQ

You can download Year One (Part 1) FREE in both e-book and audiobook by visiting https://journeyofasister.com to help get you started on your journey of Self-discovery! 

I was then led to set up the Soul Purpose Tribe, a global support network of people seeking to DISCOVER and FULFIL their soul purpose. I set up the FREE 5 Day Soul Purpose Discovery Challenge intuitively, which will tell you your Life Path Number, what HOUSE your Sun Sign is in, your MOON sign, and your Archetype in relation to the Collective Consciousness.

For more information visit https://journeyofasister.com/soul-purpose-tribe

I hope you’ll continue your journey of Self-discovery with me!   Order your personally signed LIMITED EDITION paperback (with my artwork in full colour) by 1st October to get the AUDIOBOOK on a USB FREE, so you can listen and read at the same

time – they make great gifts, even for your Self! 


I’m also starting weekly Zoom meetings where we will take a walk through each ‘Year’ of the story, the link to join is here: https://aw14f6ff.aweb.page/p/6e9defc8-62b1-419d-8ec2-c5286be35519
I also compiled a short e-book called The Twin Soul Phenomenon, as it was meeting my Twin that led to me writing the book; many Twins are meeting at this time to help raise the Collective Consciousness: https://cezannepoetess.uk/ebooks 
I look forward to seeing you again soon!

Warm wishes,
Visual & Spoken Word Artist | Author | Soul Purpose Tribe Leader 



We provide news and information for anyone interested in the Caribbean whether you’re UK based, European based or located in the Caribbean. New fresh ideas are always welcome with opportunities for bright writers.


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