Home NewsSt. Maarten News JetBlue Launches Puerto Rico Service Thursday

JetBlue Launches Puerto Rico Service Thursday

by caribdirect

JetBlue’s General Manager in St. Maarten Marc Boasman has thanked Deputy Prime Minister Theodore Heyliger and Director of the Princess Juliana International Airport Regina Labega for their welcome of the airline’s third service to St. Maarten.

The duo and other guests were on hand as the first daily flight from Puerto Rico landed and was baptized by airport fire trucks. “We give you our simple, heartfelt thanks,” Boasman said.

Yesterday’s arrival of their Embraer 109 aircraft from Puerto Rico comes next to existing routes – New York and Boston.

The new flight is also the third in as many years. JetBlue is celebrating this launch, and several others by waiving fees until December 17.

“Welcome back home for if home is where the heart is, then I have no doubt JetBlue’s heart is in St. Maarten. JetBlue has proven to be a perfect and loyal match for our destination.

When some were screaming about the need for guaranteeing seats, JetBlue focused on strengthening its relationship with St. Maarten. It is a relationship that has been growing by leaps and bounds, to the extent that it could now be said that JetBlue has changed the landscape of tourism on the island,” Labega said.

Heyliger considers the launch the end of a semi-dark period in the country’s history.

“April 1 was a dark day for St. Maarten as there was no direct flight to Puerto Rico. This was difficult for an island that at one point had seven daily flights to Puerto Rico. So government decided this is something we needed to get back.

I am also happy that we stuck to our guns that we would not guarantee seats, choosing instead to assist with marketing funds. One flight per day is great, but two or three would be nicer,” the deputy prime minister said.

(Source http://www.sxmislandtime.com/component/k2/item/16428-jetblue-launches-puerto-rico-service.html)


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