Home Culture & Society Jamaican Females Slimming Down

Jamaican Females Slimming Down

by caribdirect
Staff Writer - Kerran Monroe

Staff Writer – Kerran Monroe

In Entertainment news. A female with more than a little meat on her bones has always been a celebrated thing in Jamaica and other Black/African societies.

Back in the day, as soon as someone started putting on some weight you would hear comments about how good they were looking;  “Lawd Marie get fat an look good yo see!” or other variants of that statement.

Stacious. Photo courtesy www.risingstarstv.net

Stacious. Photo courtesy www.risingstarstv.net

On the contrary, if someone were to lose some weight people would utter statements of concern; because in our society, loss of weight must mean that something is wrong.

Either, one is sick or cannot afford food like they used to.  Either way losing weight was not our thing; especially in dancehall where a “thick” female with a big butt is widely celebrated.

Fast forward to present times where globalization or as I like to call it “Americanization of the globe” is happening at a rapid pace; and we are constantly being bombarded with Euro-American ideology of beauty.

Today, our ideology of beauty has also shifted to adopt the Euro-American ideology.  These days in our society, people (females) actually want to be slim and trim.  They want the washboard abs.

Miss Kitty Photo courtesy dextercommunications.wordpress.com

Miss Kitty Photo courtesy dextercommunications.wordpress.com

A few familiar faces have jumped on to the slim train, namely dancehall artistes, Stacious and Spice and radio presenter and the self-proclaimed Fluffy Diva, Miss Kitty.

Miss Kitty, famous for her excess curves and her perceived love for her fluffy body shocked a few when she began looking noticeably smaller.

In an interview she attributed to weight loss to overwork and her day to day stress.

Of course we did not believe.  As for Stacious she was very candid about why and how she lost the weight.  For her it was simple; she did it for the look.  Not to be healthy but just to look good.  No word from Spice yet about her slimmed down figure.


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