Home Hot TalentIt's A Wrap! The world of wraps: Welcome to ‘It’s A Wrap!!’

The world of wraps: Welcome to ‘It’s A Wrap!!’

by caribdirect

Wrap Star Ann-Marie Davy

Hi, my name is Ann-Marie Davy AKA Ann-Marie Smiles (http://www.facebook.com/NappturalMisstic) and I am so pleased to present to you the new weekly “It’s A Wrap”!  I hope you will enjoy these weekly features as much as I enjoy presenting them.

Now that I’ve introduced myself , I am delighted to introduce the group, “Headwraps and WrapStars” (https://www.facebook.com/groups/140644606015236?ap=1), which is the basis for the “It’s a Wrap” weekly feature.   

Group Origins and Purpose

Let us begin with some information about the group origins and

Asha Mandela

purpose. I started the first group in 2009 somewhat out of a selfish desire to satisfy a void. (smiles) I wanted a place where I could network with people who shared my passion and interest in head-wrapping. The Group, “Head wraps and WrapStars”, is a place to showcase the uniqueness, beauty, versatility and cultural significance of head wrapping. Secondly, it is a place to promote head wrapping in professional arenas.

Tracey Darlyn

I would like everyone to understand that as there are traditional head wraps, there are also chic and professional ways of wrapping the head. Furthermore, I sought to encourage individuals to challenging themselves to let their creativity flow freely.

Working under the principle that I am not the only person who desires a space such as this, I created the first head wraps group on Facebook. At that time (2009), there were groups for everything else; however, I could not find any group representation of head-wraps in any social network.   So I decided to create a place for us to showcase our skills, ask and answer questions, learn from each other, discuss experiences, share valuable cultural information regarding the origins and traditions of head wrapping, and simply have fun.

Aswon Farenji

When I am out and about, women and girls approach me to ask how-to questions about head-wrapping and I have often removed my head wraps to show them how to do it. That reoccurring experience also prompted me to create the group.   Furthermore, I thought it would be interesting to create a place to unite “WrapStars” (as I call us) regardless of their geographical location.   This group has definitely served that purpose, there are members from Jamaica (where I am from), Trinidad and Tobago, Australia, Ghana,  Bahamas, Sierra Leone, New York, Florida, New Orleans, California,  Wisconsin, Barbados, Denmark, United Kingdom, Slovakia, France and the list goes on and on. The diversity is not only fascinating but it is the greatest asset which ensures quality content.

Professional Purpose

Eeefy Ify

Presently, I work as a Distribution Analyst for an electric utility company in the DC area, prior to that I worked as a Customer Communication Coordinator at University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore. It is my personal mission to ensure that anyone who dons head wraps and is hired in an organization for which I am or have been a part of will be faced with far less scrutiny and challenges (related to head wrapping).

I have made that my personal goal

and my self-appointed responsibility.

Ma Naka

To that end, I ensure that I answer questions asked by curious co-workers and skeptics alike. Furthermore, I present myself wearing head wraps in the most professional manner.  Whether attending emergency management meetings, department meetings, or going about my daily work activities, I often wear a wrap.  What better evidence that a head wrap does not restrict your professional attire, instead, it transforms it into professional radiance.

How I find WrapStars

Jah Turban

I am the group creator and moderator whose purpose is to ensure that the group remains positive, is an open and comfortable forum for all to share, and of course, is interesting.  I search Facebook looking for people who wear head wraps, introduce them to the group and often ask them to share their photos with knowledge that once they join the group; they will want to take part in the other activities.  Until recently, I had not encouraged members to invite others because they did that on their own. When members first join the group, they often invite someone who they think would enjoy it as well. 

1St Organized Event for WrapStars


I had become bored with the same old parties and the same old event invites and wanted to create something that would be exciting, but also unique, unifying, and uplifting. I also wanted to create something that is a part of me and who I am.  This inspired me to organize the first event called Rock Your Wrap Day.  I invited over 100 people a week before the event was slated to start, by the day of the event, over 1200 were invited. I was amazed at how many people invited their friends!

Khayri ann

After that event, I received inbox messages and comments from both novice and seasoned WrapStars who were not only excited about the event; they were touched by their experiences. Ignited by the day and inspired by the response, many of them continued to wear wraps for weeks following the event.   To this day, I am still honored to be a part of it and deeply touched by the outcome of the overall event. As a result of “Rock Your Wrap Day” in July 2011, group membership increased from 39 to well over 300 members within a short time.  I am happy to report that the event blossomed into a worldwide affair touching nations on the continents of Africa, Australia, North America, South America and throughout the Caribbean.


Ann-Marie’s Activities as Group Admin

Every so often, I choose a WrapStar whose picture is featured as the group’s

profile photo.  This person is chosen based on an assortment of the following characteristics: uniqueness of their wrap, style, difficulty, beauty and how it

Stefe Steff Moqita

applies culturally. For example, our first feature was Stefy Steff Moquita of Port Au Prince, Haiti wearing this unique head wrap made from fabric of the “MaSai of Kenya”.  

Because it is my goal to make this process as easy as possible, I have created YouTube tutorials to teach users how to create various head wrap styles. My YouTube Channel is “Smiles Styles” (http://www.youtube.com/user/SmilesNapptural).

For persons who have not wrapped before or who would like to learn how to wrap using a t-shirt, scarf, and/or sarong, I created “Quick and Easy Head wrap” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNBhGXwkmWI&feature=channel_video_title . I am also inspired by the work of artists such as Olapeju Alatise, a Nigerian mixed-media artist.  “Orange Scarf” by Ms. Alatise, has inspired me to create a tutorial showing my rendition of her masterpiece http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1MPPmD-aIo&feature=relmfu


Mi Kaelah

Art is a major part of life and culture so I wanted to incorporate the artistic works in this group, specifically pieces featuring head wraps (smiles). In the past few months, I have introduced artistic works such as “Slave Dance”, a painting by Dirk Valkenburg from 1707 and “Wrapped in Pride”, a series of works from Raul Guerra.  Raul is now a member of the group as well!


While  I am away from home, be it locally or internationally, I usually keep an eye out for fellow WrapStars and have frequently asked to take their pictures to share with the group. I also take a moment to tell them about the group.  Meeting new people is thrilling, but there is an added pleasure in meeting someone who wraps their head and intriguing to find out how and why they do.  It is so exciting to know that ever so often, someone new chooses to wear a head-wrap and I am so honored to be a part of it.


As I stated in the beginning, I am so excited to present “It’s A Wrap”

Mi Kaelah

brought to you by “HeadWrap & WrapStars” and Sandal Solé® LLC.  I thank you, the CaribDirect.com audience, CaribDirect, and Lisa Mosley of Sandal Solé® for this opportunity to share something so close to my heart.


Zuzanka Zunka Kralinska

Please stay tuned in the upcoming weeks for breathtaking features of WrapStars wearing their most creative, traditional, beautiful, culturally significant or chic head wraps.  Some of these head wraps will directly correlate to the wearer’s culture, while others will come straight from the creative minds of WrapStars worldwide.

 If you’d like to know more about me click here

I welcome your comments…




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