Home African Caribbean Is immigration good or bad?

Community news. Immigration has always been a hot topic for discussion in Britain, since the ‘’rivers of blood speech’’ by Enoch Powell (former MP); but

Enoch Powell. Photo courtesy hatfulofhistory.wordpress.com

Enoch Powell. Photo courtesy hatfulofhistory.wordpress.com

even more so now than before, because of the majority’s attitude towards immigrants.

But what is surprising, is the fact that the British seems to have forgotten about their history and the British Empire. Hundreds of years ago, Britain had colonised so many countries and enslaved the people, as well as transferring millions of people around the world during the slave trade. However, years later in 1944 Britain opened up the labour market post WW II, as Britain was now in a devastating state; consequent to the heavy bombings. After the war, Britain needed workers in order to restore the country to its former glory; and therefore placed advertisements in many of the countries they had colonised and invited people for employment uptake.

Many of the jobs were in transport and railways, and yes immigrants did encounter problems. For instance, when seeking accommodation they were signs that clearly stated, ‘’NO BLACKS, IRISH OR DOGS’’! One noticeable thing was, as part of their agreement they were expected to return to their homeland after five years. Alas, this did not happen for the majority of immigrants, because by then they had started new families; and some even sent for their partners and children that they had left behind.

Photo courtesy www.the-latest.com

Photo courtesy www.the-latest.com

We must not forget the massive contribution that immigrants have made to this country in terms of the aesthetics, businesses, in education as teachers from which many Caucasian students learn, as doctors and nurses in the NHS, as farm workers and they also pay taxes from which more Caucasians British benefit, as they are the majority on benefits. I ask the question; how could you hate immigrants? Notwithstanding, the wealthiest man in Britain is an immigrant?

Over all, the majority of immigrants are industrious and conscientious; therefore we must commend them for their effort. Their presence in Britain is associated with their colonial history, because the British Empire had colonized so many countries; hence what the British need to do is embrace the immigrants, in order to learn about them and then they will definitely have a much better perception of them.

Ostensibly, the impact of the majority’s attitude towards immigrants has propelled their development in a rather positive manner that will not only be beneficial to immigrants, but also to the entire society. Now that a few points have been indicated, I will let you decide if Immigration is good or bad. Article By Randall Wickham


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