Home Commentary Is A Mid-life Crisis Really a Crisis?

Is A Mid-life Crisis Really a Crisis?

by Amanda Alexander

Lifestyle Columnist, Amanda Alexander

Why is it when we reach a certain age in our lives and we find ourselves having to make major changes concerning our identity or have feelings that we need to improve our self confidence we call it a ‘Mid-Life Crisis’? As we mature psychologically and chronologically a series of events can occur which brings us to these crossroads. These feelings and thoughts can be propelled by the reality of us having to face our mortality or recognising lack of accomplishments. Furthermore, the attending of an event, feeling exhausted and alone in a relationship, going on holiday can be the catalyst which stir up these emotions that are buried deep within our soul thus bringing them to the forefront of our lives. We are then forced to deal with whatever it is that has grabbed our attention so fiercely and normally without warning. But is that truly a ‘Mid-Life Crisis?

The Oxford Dictionary defines the word ‘crisis’ to mean “a time of great danger, difficulty or doubt when problems must be solved or important decisions must be made”¹ . Let’s break down this definition first of all: what is the ‘great danger’? If you realize that you need to eliminate toxic friendships out of your life where is the great danger here? Yes, elimination is difficult but would you agree that this is not a crisis but solid positive action?

Secondly the meaning also states “...difficulty or doubt when problems must be solved or important decisions must be made”¹ It’s understandable that there will be difficulty and doubt when problems have to be solved or where important decisions have to be made especially about the future. It is normal for these feelings to arise as we’re embarking on a change of life that will not only impact us but maybe others. Could this be construed as just being just a natural part of progression on the journey of life instead of a crisis?

However, there are times when one can be in great danger to themselves and others especially when there’s continual negative pressures. A recent report by the organisation MapAid stated that the UK has a growing ‘Mental Health Crisis’ and wrote that “1 in 6 adults seek mental health services in England – a number that has been rising steadily since the early 2000s and leaped since the beginning of lockdown”…²,  This is a crisis and can happen at any age

In conclusion anything that forces change and growth is not a crisis but a good thing. However where a series of unfortunate events lead to extreme pressure forcing us to put ourselves and others in danger that in my view is a crisis, and immediate help should be given quickly which can be found here, Mental health conditions – Mental Health UK (mentalhealth-uk.org) What are mental health problems? | Mind NHS mental health services – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Until next time, remember you are beautiful and wonderfully made – With love Amanda x          

Amanda Alexander – Founder of Elect Lady Ministries, Female Dignity & Amanda Alexander Productions

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¹ crisis_1 noun – Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary at OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com

² Putting Mental Health On The Map – Global MapAid


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