Caribbean news. The online Community of Practice (CoP) of the Inter-American Competitiveness Network (RIAC) and the Americas Competitiveness Forum (ACF) is launching a Virtual Discussion on The Human Imagination, Innovation and Competitiveness in the Caribbean: Small State Challenges and Opportunities, commencing on Tuesday
The discussion will run until August 3, 2014, and will be moderated by Dr. Keith Nurse, Executive Director of UWI Consulting Inc. and WTO Chair at the University of the West Indies (see Dr. Nurse’s Bio here). The dialogue is aimed at gathering substantial inputs from the region’s stakeholders in order to inform the substance and outcomes of the VIII ACF*, to be held in Port of Spain from October 8 – 10, 2014.
The CoP is therefore pleased to invite competitiveness and innovation practitioners, business leaders and entrepreneurs from the region to participate and add their voice to the discussions in the lead-up to the VIII ACF. To take part, please follow the link below and click on the Register button.
The Discussion is being carried out as part of Trinidad and Tobago’s preparations for the Forum. Over the coming months, a number of online activities will be held through the CoP, including webinars and informal e-Discussions. The latter will work under the chosen theme for the VIII ACF, The Human Imagination at Work: Driving Competitiveness, Powering Innovation.
To create the CoP Trinidad and Tobago, in its capacity as host of the VIII ACF and current Chair Pro Tempore of RIAC, has partnered with Compete Caribbean, a private sector development program that is jointly funded by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID) and the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade, and Development of Canada (DFATD). The Organization of American States (OAS), in its capacity as Technical Secretariat of the RIAC, provides support to the efforts of the CoP and the webinars.
The RIAC ACF Community of Practice is open to regional practitioners in the fields of competitiveness and innovation. The Community offers:
- Event Updates, Announcements, and Document Library
- Question & Answer Space for structured virtual discussions and informal exchanges
- Additional features such as coordination of Webinars and event Workspaces.
Visit the RIAC AFC Community of Practice at and register your membership. For more information, do not hesítate to contact the Facilitation Team at:
We look forward to hearing from you as we seek to advance the competitiveness agenda of our region.
* The Americas Competitiveness Forum is the premier medium in the western hemisphere bringing together government, business leaders and academics to discuss innovative methods to achieve economic competitiveness and promote innovation in the Caribbean and the Americas.