Home African Caribbean Guyana Vice President to speak on Guyana-Venezuela dispute

In spite of the carefully drafted Treaty of Geneva that saw the nations of Guyana and Venezuela sign on February 17th 1966, these countries are yet to put the ensuing border or boundary dispute to rest. Guyana’s independence in 1966 has not helped the tension over the years in respect of 159,500 km² of land the former colonial powers were unable to effectively quell.  The treaty made it clear that the parties were to agree to find a practical, peaceful and satisfactory solution to the dispute.

Vice President Hon. Carl Greenidge. Photo courtesy www.aporrea.org

Vice President Hon. Carl Greenidge. Photo courtesy www.aporrea.org

Here in London to discuss and provide a modern day perspective on the dispute is Vice President Hon. Carl Greenidge. On Monday 18th April Hon. Greenidge is expected to address a large multi-national audience at the B.5 Lecture Theatre – Franklin-Wilkins Building Stamford Street, London SE1 9NH; where he will explore the historical, legal and political dimensions of the controversy between his country and Venezuela over the latter’s claim to almost two-thirds of Guyana’s territory and a substantial portion of its exclusive maritime zone. This event is organised by the Ramphal Institute.

Doors will open at 16.30 and attendees are asked to be seated by 16:45. After the introductory remarks and the feature presentation by the Vice President, three expert discussants will respond and the audience will then be invited to pose questions to the Vice President. For details of the Ramphal Institute click link.


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