Environment and natural resource minister Robert Persuad however cautioned that Guyana be careful not to allow the technology to negatively impact the environment and biodiversity.
Guyana’s signatory to the Cartegena protocol obligates that information be provided on the status of biodiversity and bio safety.
A training and capacity workshop convened earlier Tuesday sought to advance a central on line clearing house to make Guyana more competitive, while informing for development and better awareness.
organisms a country is bringing in experiments field trials etc all that info how to receive funding laws regulations all covering aspects of bisafety risk assessments.
An internet connection allows anyone access to the portal and according to phillips, the project has benefits for Guyana.
Environment and Natural resources minister Robert Persaud stressed its critical role in efficient food production as Guyana moves to advance a structured policy on the issue.
“Health act passed in l;ast parliament address same animal health act enhances features also the seed act we passed helps to set up a robust system in terms of managing the transfer of biotechnology in this area even though we don’t have a specific legislation we have moved to updating those legislation” he said
The workshop titled building capacity for effective participation in the biodiversity clearing house addressed among issues the Cartegena protocol on Biosafety, finding information on the BCH central portal and the national situation of biotechnology.