Home Business FREE Wealth Preservation Seminar

FREE Wealth Preservation Seminar

by caribdirect

Discover wealth preservation strategies that have enabled the rich and wealthy to protect, control and preserve their property, pension and personal wealth for centuries.

–          Pension Preservation Trusts

–          Property Trusts

–          Family Trusts

–          Asset Protection Trusts

–          Wealth Preservation Trusts

All of these trust structures and many more will be discussed during our FREE seminar on Saturday 1st June 2013.

All of the above trust structures have been used for centuries to help families, communities, individuals and countries – control, protect and preserve their wealth. Many of these families and communities are now the most powerful, wealthiest and influential in the world, controlling 80% of the world’s wealth. We’ve all heard and read about them.  Nelson Rockefeller said:

“The secret to success is to own nothing, but control everything”

The Rockefeller Family Trust was set up in 1934 by John D. Rockfeller Jr and still holds the bulk of the family’s multi $billion fortune and empire.

Read about the many Rockefeller Family Trusts in the New York Times by clicking on the link below:

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Rockefeller Family Tries to Keep A Vast Fortune From Dissipating


Lifestyle of those who manage their money. Photo courtesy www.thekotysgroup.com

Lifestyle of those who manage their money. Photo courtesy www.thekotysgroup.com


Have you ever stopped to consider how much property and pension wealth we have lost as a community over the centuries?

Did your parents or grandparents ever own property in London which is now in the £millions?

Did you ever wonder what happened to all that money that your loved ones and past generations paid into their pension before they passed away?

Do you believe Margaret Thatcher’s family also lost the £millions in her pension fund when she died?

Do you believe that Margaret Thatcher’s £6million property in Belgravia, (which was in fact owned by her family trust and sub-leased back to her), was not passed down her bloodline?

Read about Margaret Thatcher’s generational wealth strategies by clicking on the link below:

DAILY RECORD NEWS STORY: Thatcher’s £6million townhouse owned by mystery company with links to tax havens


Do have property or land that you want to preserve for your bloodline or loved ones?

Did you ever pay into a pension that you want to preserve for your children, future generations or loved ones?

Do you want to make sure that everything you have worked hard for does not go to the government, but goes to your family and loved ones instead?
If YES, then this FREE Seminar is for you. For more details click: Wealth Preservation Workshop

You will also connect with:

The New Societe of Caribbean Cultural Affairs
The Network of Black Professionals

H. Barnes, Author of the book – Why are West Indians in this country?


…and many more like minded people.

Saturday 1st June 2013.

1.30pm Registration

2pm PROMPT Start

Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, London, SW2 1RW

To register call Legacy Wealth Preservation LLP

Tel: 02082262120  Or

Email: [email protected]

**Please ensure to register in advance so we can notify you of any unforeseen circumstances**

Space is limited so register early to avoid disappointment.

**Please be advised that non registered attendees may be turned away**


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