Home African Caribbean Easy Way to Get the Glow

Easy Way to Get the Glow

by caribdirect
Stephanie Reed. Health & Nutrition contributor

Stephanie Reed. Health & Nutrition contributor

Health news. A simple and effective way of taking care of your skin from the inside is to have at least one glass of ‘Green Juice’ every day. You can release the almost miraculous, rejuvenating power of green chlorophyll in plants by juicing or blending green, leafy vegetables. Chlorophyll is not only good for your skin but can help you achieve mega-wellness.

The list of gifts that it brings is impressive:

·Alkalises the body (our organs require an alkaline system to function best)juicing


  • ·Anti-inflammatory
  • ·Enhances detoxification
  • ·Accelerates wound healing
  • ·Rich in enzymes that speed-up cell rejuvenation
  • ·Cleanses the blood
  • ·Regulates bowel movements (to remove toxins that cause boils and spots)

All of these are important to achieve and preserve a clear skin.

For the benefit of your whole being chlorophyll also:

Increases the quality and quantity of red blood cells – giving you more energy

Provides Magnesium, Vitamin K, Vitamin C, folic acid, iron, calcium and protein

Acts as a Natural antiseptic

Personally, I find that a glass of green juice works like a powerful ‘energy shot’.  I can actually feel the increase of oxygen in my brain, bringing with it increased mental clarity. A great help for improving creativity, productivity and a sense of well-being.

If you don’t have a juicer, don’t worry – use a blender instead. If you have to choose between investing in a good quality juicer or a blender I would recommend you go for the blender.

I have discovered that making  juice in a blender is so much easier and quicker than using a juicer (with all those fiddly bits to clean) that preparing a juice everyday is no longer a chore.

A heavy duty blender, such as a BioChef Blender, will allow you to make juices, sauces, soups and smoothies. So it’s a very versatile machine to have.

Source: juicingcollection.com

Photo courtesy www.ebay.co.uk

Photo courtesy www.ebay.co.uk


Glow Juice

-2  handfuls of organic, green leaves

Choose from – Kale, Cabbage, Spinach, Broccoli, Chard and herbs

-1 organic apple

-1 organic carrot

– 400ml mineral or purified water (chilled)

Place all ingredients in the blender – no need to chop them if you have a powerful blender like BioChef or Vitamix.

Whizz until fully blended. Then pour through a fabric nut-bag, muslin cloth or tea-towel, and squeeze the juice out into a jug.

Enough for 2 glasses.

Go to www.beautifulageing.co.uk for more information and videos on juicing.

If you have a favourite green juice recipe or would like to share what benefits you have experienced from green drinks do drop me a line here in the comment box below or on my Beautiful Ageing site.


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