Home NewsGuyana News Discussion – Jagdeo’s Poor Legacy

Discussion – Jagdeo’s Poor Legacy

by caribdirect

According to the Washington-based Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA), Guyanese President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo has a legacy of Stagnation, violence, corruption, arch-sectarianism, and unfettered crime in the country of Guyana.

COHA Research Associates Robert Cavooris & Elcin Chang has stated that President Jagdeo “terribly.” Through his tolerance of crime, racism, and dismal social progress, President Jagdeo has turned in a fifth-rate performance as president of one of the poorest countries in the hemisphere.

Jagdeo has announced that he will not seek a third term in the upcoming August election. He was apparently chosen by former President Janet Jagan to succeed her in office, and Cheddi Jagan.
Jagdeo’s Presidency

The Bharrat Jagdeo’s presidency oversees a country which is divided along racial lines, this is seen clearly at the level the government where the ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP), and comprises most Indo-Guyanese, and is supported mostly of those of Indian descent. Guyanese of African descent tend to support the People’s National Congress (PNC).

The research stated “Jagdeo has failed during his presidency to advance the freedom and fairness of Guyanese public life, or the inequities of the Indo-Guyanese dominated society.”

“Jagdeo’s two-term presidency fell woefully short on that point. Social needs remain unmet due to inadequate spending on education and a lack of efforts to improve the quality of healthcare. Furthermore the perpetual presence of criminal and ethnic violence threatens the fabric of Guyanese society, and, if anything, has been aggravated by the indiscriminate violence of public security forces in response.” the article also said.
What can be done in Guyana

The research believes in its conclusion that the person who inherits the office of presidency after Jagdeo, “must work to tackle these persistent issues, and to clear the air of hopelessness when it comes to improving life in one of the hemisphere’s poorest and most forlorn countries.”

(Source http://guyanafriends.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/860604972/m/20320748051)


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