Home Culture & Society Dealing with our fears

Dealing with our fears

by caribdirect

Staff writer - Maureen Gordon

We all have worries/ fears, personally sometimes I worry that, I am not worrying. Then I realise it’s a futile exercise because half the things that I continue to worry about I cannot change nor do anything about.

I believe that one of the major battles we face every day is the battle with our minds; once our minds are controlled by negative thoughts it is often a very difficult pattern to break. We have 101 things running through it, in fact the moment we open our eyes in the morning the battle commences.

And if we are not careful this worry can consume us and control our thoughts and destroy what little peace we have. Have you spent any time around a negative person, they are likely to drain your energy, whatever perspective you have about a situation, they are able to come up with a hundred different reasons why things won’t work out or get better.

The opposite side to this, is spending time in the company of a person with a positive outlook on life, they are like a breath of fresh air. Do you know people like that?

Maybe this malaise is indicative of the societies we live in, pessimistic and fatalistic. If you read the newspapers or listen to the news you will understand what I am talking about. What is your greatest fear, is it being made unemployed, or is it wondering how you are going to pay your bills, send your children to school.

Or is it wondering how your children are going to turn out, and what the future holds for them. Maybe you are fearful about your relationship/marriage…will it last?. I think the key thing is that we like to be in control of events and what we cannot control we worry about.

Two words that are mentioned 365 times in the bible are Fear not, that is 1 for

Photo courtesy greenlotus.hubpages.com

every day of the year. There has to be some significance in that. Maybe it’s because every day we have the opportunity to allow fear and worry to take over. The point is we waste energy and cause ourselves untold stress and anxiety, sometimes countless hours on the telephone talking to anyone who will listen about our fears.

The question to ask ourselves is how we can be different in our thinking and have a more realistic view on our day to day situations that impact our minds.  The fact is that the majority of the things that we extend our energies worrying about will not happen, and if we could change the situation to have a better outcome we would.

So this is something for you to consider: The problems or concerns that you have right now are they worth losing another night’s sleep over. Think about it.


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