Home Uncategorized Check out these amazing Caribbean Superheroes!

Check out these amazing Caribbean Superheroes!

by caribdirect

There has been a lot of buzz about the upcoming Marvel Black Panther film which centres around the character from Wakanda – a fictional African nation. But did you know the Caribbean also has their own fiery band of superheroes!? We love this series of Caribbean superheroes by Albert Pierre. The illustrator has drawn these to reflect each islands individual culture and image. It’s amazing to see the time and effort that’s been given to the character’s backstory to fit into the heritage of each island. Here are some of our favourites!



S’phire – Barbados
Fighting Class: Legend

Once known as “Young Bussa” in homage to his father, “Bussa” who lead an army of 400 revolutionaries against their oppressors in 1816. The legend that helped spark the congregation of justice was a late bloomer. Unknown to his parents, Young Bussa had legend’s blood flowing within his body. Both parents had traits of the genetic structure that formulated a Legend, and those layers kept dormant within him until the tragic death of his father.


Axelle – Guyana
Fighting Class: Legend, Warrior, Mystic

Axelle and Aksis are the symbiotic Guyanese guardians who both represent the balance and justice. They have very unorthodox fighting styles by they use the wind to their advantage. Axelle can rotate at insane speeds to generate massive cyclones. But the most peculiar thing about her skill set is the use of cloth as a weapon during battle. The cloth operates as a great defense. Axelle bears red arrows and may often generate and shoot them during her wind dances. There is still mystery surrounding both the Afro and Indian guardians of Guyana. They both look like they are in their twenties yet Yurumei classes them as Legends. She believes that Axelle has existed throughout Guyanese history in different forms, fighting oppression and social ills.


Ru-B – Barbados
Fighting Class: Brawler, Strategist

Ru-B has the ability to generate animated creatures and objects out of limestone. It’s very similar to Vincent G’s power to turn anything into a bionic being. Everything from limestone swords to miniature rock lizards can be created out of Limestone. Her Father, S’phire (Master of the Blue Flame) is a legend and a founding member of the Caribbean Justice Alliance. At the age of 4 she was the victim of a failed lab experiment involving the use of Limestone. In the years following that, Ru-B found that stalagmites would often grow out of her body when she got angry or in stressful situations. It was something she had to learn to control. This new limestone power made her resistant to various forms of low calibre bullets. She can shoot limestone bullets of her own and manipulate the density of objects that she creates.


Bahamia Blue – Bahamas
Fighting Class: Athlete, Strategist

When she’s around, you know something crazy is up. BB was born only being able to see the world in shades of blue. Her vision was poor but but her hearing was sharp. The sounds of tiny insects, people’s heartbeats, voices from all over the Caribbean. Those were all clear to her. But being able to hear so many things at once isn’t always a good thing. When BB was found by Yurumei she helped her understand her special gift. Vincent G constructed a special visor which helps to correct some of the color distortion and also limit her hearing at times so that she can respect people’s privacy. After training at Caribbean Justice Head Quarters for some time BB realized that she could actually see sound vibrations and travel right through them. She can transport herself to any location as long as she can hear sound coming from there.


Roxsan – St. Lucia
Fighting Class: Brawler

The fitness buff from St. Lucia. .Roxsan and her twin brother, Tremr both possess the Piton Power and as such have the power to control the element of earth. Tremr controls seismic activity while Roxsan can manipulated rocks and sand and just about every mineral in the ground. She can reshape and restructure almost any metal. You’d be better off fighting against her with a plastic sword. She is a strict trainer and takes her health very seriously.


Jamaica X – Jamaica
Fighting Class: Weapon Specialist, Strategist, Survivalist

Possibly the most perceptive member of the Caribbean Justice Alliance; he is usually the first to sense when something is wrong. As with all Weapons Classes X knows a variety of fighting skills with different types of weapons. However his main weapon is a huge sword he calls the “Black Blade.” The Black Blade is a shape-shifting sword has a minimum weight of 75lbs yet he manoeuvres it like a feather. The Black Blade can manipulate elements like fire, water, air and earth. Even sound can controlled by the blade. It also has a de-materializing feature which can literally erase objects. As a strategist he takes the lead in insurgent operations and despite the size of his sword he is still a master of stealth.

For more info on these characters visit Super Dominica site


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