Home African Caribbean CaribDirect nominated for BEFFTA Award today

Former US President, Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) once said, “Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” We at CaribDirect Multi-Media  believe what we do is worth doing and we love doing it in spite of the daily challenges.

So we are elated to learn that our hard work and dedication to assisting to develop the UK Caribbean Diaspora through news, information and quality business seminars is being recognised by the reputable BEFFTA awards. We have been nominated for the BEST COMMUNITY NEWS WEBSITE.

If you believe Caribdirect.com is deserving of such an award, you are invited to vote here by clicking this red box. Nominations close on October 20th 2013.


BEFFTA Awards is a distinctly special awards ceremony honouring the best showbiz and entertainment personalities in the black and ethnic communities in the UK, USA, Africa, Caribbean, Canada and globally. BEFFTA Awards is the first of its kind rewarding under one roof outstanding achievements and contributions from Africans, Caribbeans and Asians in entertainment, film, fashion, television and arts.

Sir Trevor Mc Donald receives award at BEFFTA 2012. Photo courtesy Sync Photos

Sir Trevor Mc Donald receives award at BEFFTA 2012. Photo courtesy Sync Photos

This international prestigious ceremony celebrates an all round accomplishments of a hard working community within entertainment and showbiz especially the unknown talent that need exposure. The awards ceremony founded by Pauline Long also aims to inspire black and ethnic personalities worldwide to achieve at the highest levels. It provides a networking platform for industry personalities.

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