Home African Caribbean Caribbean voodoo hex blamed for New York politician’s defeat
Gwen Goodwin. Photo courtesy www.dailymail.co.uk

Gwen Goodwin. Photo courtesy www.dailymail.co.uk

In Caribbean news. Losing city council candidate accuses rival of putting Caribbean voodoo hex on her by having rooster painted on her building:

1. Gwen Goodwin is suing New York City Councilwoman Melissa Mark-Viverito, claiming the politician used her influence to have the painting put on her opponent’s apartment
2. Goodwin said the mural of a disembodied rooster’s head is a threat
3. She likened it to the same as a ‘swastika or noose’

A losing New York city council candidate is suing her political rival, claiming her opponent put a Caribbean voodoo hex on her by have the disembodied head of a rooster pained on her building.

Gwen Goodwin, 52, claims in court documents that City Councilwoman Melissa Mark-Viverito used campaign and political cash to help fund an art project that targeted Goodwin’s apartment with bad juju.

Melissa Mark-Vivrito. Photo courtesy www.dailymail.co.uk

Melissa Mark-Vivrito. Photo courtesy www.dailymail.co.uk

‘This intimated me and caused me fear. I’m a Christian. I don’t believe outside my religion, but strange things were happening,’ Goodwin told the New York Post.

Mark-Viverito, who represents the East Harlem and Upper East Side neighborhoods of the city and is almost certain to be named City Council Speaker, clobbered Goodwin in the 2009 Democratic primary – a race in which Goodwin collected just 12percent of the vote.
The colorful mural of a rooster’s head was painted on Goodwin’s East 100th Street building as part of a project called Los Muros Hablan – ‘the walls speak’ – that was meant to showcase Hispanic art around the city. 

‘In the Caribbean culture, this constituted a curse and a death threat,’ Goodwin alleges in court papers. ‘As a swastika or a noose would symbolize typically to many Jews or African Americans, respectively.’ Goodwin told the Post: ‘This is supposed to be a professional politician who came and graffitied the side of my building,’

‘I really felt that people needed to understand who they were giving power to as the next most powerful person behind the mayor of New York City.’ Mark-Viverito brushed off the accusations.

‘These desperate and ­ridiculous allegations by a failed political opponent of Melissa are false, absurd and a waste of the court’s precious time. It’s sad but expected that Melissa’s ­opponents are resorting to these kinds of tactics,’ a spokesman told the Post.

Ms Goodwin says the mural was the result of an unholy alliance between Mark-Viverito and the nonprofit group that was responsible for the painting. Campaign records show the director of the nonprofit gave $100 to Mark-Viverito’s campaign. Article courtesy: http://www.dailymail.co.uk


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