Hello members of West Midlands Regional Council – Jamaican Diaspora UK and others from the UK Caribbean community.
As some of you know I was last week at the House of Lords to receive national recognition in the British Citizen Award (health category) for my work raising awareness of diabetes having been nominated by Carl Morgan a website designer of www.mrcmedia.com and who is also the public relations officer of the aforementioned group.
Twice a year a number of people who have done voluntary work in their community are chosen from all the nominations submitted for awards in various categories. What was glaringly obvious at last week’s ceremony was I and my nominee Carl were the only Black African-Caribbean persons in attendance. The official programme shows seven Asians having received awards in various categories which is commendable. However, the lack of people from my ethnic background is cause for concern considering the large numbers doing such stellar work and some I know for as long as 40+ years.
This is meant to be a wakeup call to our community to put people forward and not let apathy/inertia stand in our way. I would suggest that you all know people that can be nominated so please start by visiting the website www.britishcitizenawards.co.uk
Tony Kelly