Home NewsCaribbean and the City Caribbean Men: Most Lame Pick-Up lines

Caribbean Men: Most Lame Pick-Up lines

by caribdirect

Staff Writer - Kerran Monroe

The young men these days have been turning me off like a light switch.  Now I am flattered when a member of the opposite sex finds me attractive and I must admit that it does a little something for my feminine ego.  However, how a man approaches me when I walk on the street, or even when I am online on facebook can be a mood killer.  Here are some of my most hated approaches that are commonly used by the men whom I have come in contact with:

Psst:  This is a classic move by those males whom, I have concluded lack approach and ‘smoothness’.  This is one of the most annoying approaches, a man can use on me.  I definitely will not even turn my head much less answer him.

Baby, come here no:  Now this one, I just find disrespectful and I will tell you why.  You are probably there sitting on a wall or somewhere comfortable and I am walking about my business and you want to put me at an inconvenience, by asking me to put my business on hold, turn around and come to you, just to please you.  Phew that was a mouth full.  YOU are the one who wants to say something 2 ME so why should I be the inconvenienced one?  Get your butt up and come over and say what you have to say.

Strong girl/Champion:  I don’t know about anyone else but whenever I am

Photo courtesy hellobeautiful.com

walking on the street and am greeted with that pick up line I feel really offended.  I feel like I look like a sumo wrestler or body builder or something of the sort.  Whenever I am called any of the two I feel like the gentleman (if you can call them that) is trying to ‘defeminize’ me.

Not forgotten are those males on facebook who pop up on your chat window and start telling you what they like to do to you and all the different positions they want to put you in.  Like seriously? I don’t know you like that.

Some men really need to step up their game and change their approach to wooing women.  The sex talk and all the lame Fresh Prince pick-up lines are just way off and women do not find them attractive.


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