Home CaribFood Corner Caribbean Food: Peppered Steak…the Jamaican way

Caribbean Food: Peppered Steak…the Jamaican way

by caribdirect

Staff writer Lil Miss Kim


Well I’ve only cooked this once in my life so I thought it would be a better idea if I stole a recipe from www.bestjamaica.com .  Also because I’m feeling a bit lazy and tired with all the Olympics and Jamaica 50 celebrations coming up…work has got me bawling out for some sleep.  Anyhooo, I hope you try this recipe and enjoy it.

2 lb beef cut in strips (julienne)
I medium onion        (slice thinly in length rather than in rings)
Stalk of escallion
Sprig of thyme
1 peg crush garlic
2 teaspoon meat seasoning
salt and black pepper (to taste)
4 teaspoon soya sauce
4 tablespoon of oil

(1)(Combine beef, meat seasoning, salt, 3 teaspoon soya sauce to taste) and      leave to marinate (1 hour)
(2)Add oil to a sauce pan
(3)Brown meat until you are satisfied with the color.
(4)Add water and cook until tender
(5)When you are satisfied with the tenderness of the meat and the sauce is just about level of the beef add onion, escallion, thyme and garlic.
(6)Then at the end the last 5 minutes (reduce flames to low) add bell pepper and 1 teaspoon soya sauce cover, stir frequently.  Enjoy !!

Oh let me just add this tip…Whenever I add water, or if I’m cooking things down, I like to keep adding natural seasonings to keep the flavour.  You could also try this each time you add water to the steak.
PS. A little scotch bonnet pepper wouldn’t hurt either (shrugs…lol)

Photo courtesy bestjamaica.com


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