Home CaribFood Corner Caribbean Food: BBQ Pork Chops

Caribbean Food: BBQ Pork Chops

by caribdirect

Staff writer Lil Miss Kim

Pork Chops Chopping


Bacon, Ham, Pig trotters (Shebada Voice), Pork chops, jerk pork, curry pork, any kind of pork…Jamaicans LOOOOVE PORK … go on… deny it as much as you please but you know YOU. LOVE. PORK.  Even the Adventists love pork (hahaha), the difference is that they call it ‘tasting a piece’…lol (crucify me now)

Anyhoo, today I will be doing the recipe for one of my favourite dish…Barbecued pork chops.  Please note when I say barbecue in this instance, it’s not really barbecued because it was done in the oven…but who’s counting…It’s the taste that matters …right?

So, I usually make my own sauce…just like my mommy taught me to J and it usually goes down a thousand times better that barbecue sauces (me tooting my own horn again).  As they say, the proof is in the pudding (or sauce for this purpose). 

OK…get pork chop chopping.

Season pork chops to taste.  The good thing is that meat is seasoned pretty much the same way with very slight differences.  So again, I get out the all purpose, seasoning salt, salt (go easy with salt…no hypertension now), black pepper, pork seasoning, garlic powder, Maggie cubes, and soy sauce. Marinate pork chops.

Then add your chopped onions, scallion, thyme, pepper, and pimento/cloves.  Use a knife to make slits in the pork and stuff the pimento seeds/cloves into the little slits. This will give the meat a very nice flavour through and through. Once marinated to satisfaction, place in the oven/grill.

Now for the sauce; you’ll need ginger, vinegar, ketchup, a little sugar, and I cheat sometimes with a little Heinz barbecue sauce (wink)… just to make it a bit tangy.   You can also add sweet pepper, black pepper and finely chopped onions.  By the time you’ve made your sauce, it will be time to check your pork chops.  They should be slightly browned by now….to speed up the cooking and also to make it a bit tender try covering with foil paper.  Start glazing the pork chops with the sauce when it’s almost cooked: – turning the pieces each time.  As the meat becomes tender, feel free to remove the foil paper.  Keep basting with sauce until its nice, thick and sticky. (yaaah!).  When your pork chops are nice and tender…literally dripping off the bone…then it’s good and ready to eat!

By the way… sorry about the Google pics…I promise to do a post with pics I actually took myself …one day… soon J.




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