Home NewsSt. Lucia News Bermuda’s UCG Launches New St. Lucian App

Bermuda’s UCG Launches New St. Lucian App

by caribdirect

Bermuda’s Ultra Concepts Group of Companies Ltd. [UCG] has teamed up with Saint Lucia’s Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation and Tourist Board to provide the official mobile guide for Saint Lucian visitors called “Go Explore Saint Lucia.”

“Go Explore Saint Lucia” is a free location-based, multimedia, mobile phone application that helps tourists navigate around Saint Lucia.

UCG Saint Lucia’s marketing and business development manager M. Donna Louis said the “Go Explore Saint Lucia” is beneficial to tourism by taking into consideration the demands of the well-connected traveler thereby providing an enhanced tourist experience.

By providing the ability to navigate more easily and safely in an unfamiliar environment and to look for services and sites of interest this application has proven its potential by providing value to tourism. This in effect will stimulate the economy as Go Explore Saint Lucia can be utilized to improve accessibility, information and service provision.

Ms Louis goes on to say that it can therefore clearly be used to level the playing field somewhat in that small and medium sized businesses with small budgets can be accessed by tourist just as easily as those companies with big advertising budgets. All one needs is a presence on the application.

Most importantly, she added, “Go Explore Saint Lucia” has created jobs for Saint Lucians and as such provides the total package focusing on both tourism development and increasing employment.

Apart from the multimedia integration and point to point direction, another important feature is the generation of statistics, said Ms Lewis. “Go Explore …” is able to provide businesses with information such as how many people are using the app, how many have viewed their listing and even their location when accessing the app.

(Source http://bernews.com/2011/11/bermudas-ucg-launches-new-st-lucian-app/)


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