Home African Caribbean Barbados Hosts Regional Leadership Development Programme

Caribbean news. The Caribbean Leadership Project (CLP), funded by the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD), and executed by the Canada School of Public Service, will convene the third module for Cohort 3 in its Leadership Development Programme (LDP) from September 8th – 12th, 2014. The upcoming module will be held at the Radisson Aquatica Resort, Barbados and follows two previous modules which were held in Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines, respectively.

During the week-long module, Prime Minister Freundel Stuart will be hosting a cultural dinner in honour of this third cohort, which comprises 24 Permanent Secretaries and officers of equivalent rank from 9 CARICOM countries and three regional organisations.

As part of each module, the LDP participants will go on field trips in order to examine areas of leadership and public sector management that are working extremely well in the Region.  In the case of Barbados, the participants will be examining the Barbados Social Partnership, FundAccess, the National Insurance Scheme and the Harrison’s Cave Redevelopment Project. These field visits will provide opportunities for the participants to explore the significant shifts that have occurred in the life of these organisations and the role of leadership in supporting those shifts.


PM Freundel Stuart. Photo courtesy www.barbadostoday.bb

PM Freundel Stuart. Photo courtesy www.barbadostoday.bb

By participating in this Programme, participants are expected to advance regional integration and economic development by bringing practical learning to the workplace and developing a network of trusted colleagues during and beyond the programme. The fourth module of the LDP will be a study tour to Canada in October, before the programme culminates with a leadership symposium in December- which will be in Trinidad and Tobago.

Subsequent cohorts of the LDP will target the next two levels of public service officers (both technical and administrative) in the chain of command within Central Governments and key regional institutions. In fact, the CLP has recently issued a Call for Applications for enrolment in the fourth cohort of its LDP which is scheduled to begin in January 2015.

For further information about the Caribbean Leadership Project and the Leadership Development Programme, please contact Mrs. Alaine Murray, Project Communications Officer at [email protected] or via telephone at (246) 417-3152 and visit our website at www.caribbeanleadership.org.


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