Home African Caribbean Barbados: Carnival Jam, Done!

The revelry and festivities associated with Crop Over will be absent from Christ Church this year as the carnival there has been silenced.

Minister of Culture Stephen Lashley has announced its cancellation, explaining that the police were “gravely concerned” about the level of violence associated with the event.

“We have taken that advice and will not have a Christ Church carnival this year. The National Cultural Foundation is contemplating doing an activity that involves the schools which will entail creativity and costume design and perhaps have an event with the schools,” Lashley said.

However, he promised that the carnival was not off the calendar for good.

Photo courtesy www.torontolime.com

Photo courtesy www.torontolime.com

The cancellation of the Christ Church carnival was one of several changes to Crop Over announced on Friday night by the minister at the launch of Crop Over 2016 at Ilaro Court.

New also this year is a Monarchs in Mas show on Sunday July 31 as a substitute for the One Love show, which replaced Cohoblopot last year.

“Last year the One Love show took the place of Cohoblopot and we have not yet heard from the organizers of One Love what they will be doing so we have gone ahead and put on the Monarchs in Mas Sunday July 31st,” Lashley said, adding that it would mimic the Cohoblopot format but would also feature the kings and queens of the bands and other elements.

“Every band has a king and queen and the costumes are elaborate and I want to use that show highlight that.”

He also announced new venues for the Pic-O-De-Crop semifinals and the Junior Calypso Monarch semifinals and final due to renovation of the Garfield Sobers Gymnasium.

“For 2016, to quell the debate, we will have a Pic-O-De-Crop semi-final, with two songs being performed, but this time at a new venue – Kensington Oval . . . this year, the Pic-O-De-Crop semis and final and for the first time the Junior Calypso Monarch final will be held at Kensington Oval. ” Lashley said.

The Junior Monarch semifinals will be held at Derrick Smith School in Lears, St Michael.  Article courtesy http://www.barbadostoday.bb


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