Home Commentary Are you Busy with being Productive or Idle?

Are you Busy with being Productive or Idle?

by Amanda Alexander

Lifestyle Columnist, Amanda Alexander

Sorry I haven’t called – I’m so busy, we need to catch up but I’m so busy at the moment, Oh no I forgot – I’m so sorry please forgive me but I’m so busy! However, what are you busy with, is it being productive or idle? – let’s break it down to find out.

First of all, what does being busy actually mean? According to the Cambridge dictionary, being busy is defined as ‘working hard…giving attention to a particular thing…not free or available to do something…’¹ So we understand from this definition that being busy has to do with time and doesn’t mean that we’re being productive. I’ve come across people who wear their busyness as a badge of honour and use it as a reason to not return phone calls and honour their word. This type of behaviour shows a character flaw in the individual who most times genuinely believes that we should be impressed with their busyness. Sadly, it only demonstrates their lack of integrity in adhering to their word or arrangements that were painstakingly made to accommodate them.

Jodi Clarke, MA, LPC/MHSP² cautions in her article ‘How Constantly Being Busy Affects Your Well-Being’. She explains that  being busy can cause feelings of anxiety, stress, overwhelmingness, inadequacy, sadness, frustration, anger, loneliness, hopelessness, incompetentancy and guilt. Those negative emotions do not in any respect contribute to our wellbeing, why because it could be that we’re frittering our time being busy in pointless pursuits such as dead end jobs or and toxic relationships. In understanding that busyness is related to time rather than productivity, we can seriously determine whether we are actually using our time wisely or not. If we are, then it should not lead to the feelings described above but should bring about peace, joy and inner satisfaction, so how do we assess if we are being productive?

Merriam Webster’s dictionary defines productivity to mean yielding results, benefits, or profits…yielding or devoted to the satisfaction of wants or the creation of utilities’³. The questions we must ferociously ask ourselves is am I yielding results, benefits or profits? Am I devoted to the satisfaction of wants or creating utilities for myself and others? Or am I going about as a busy body to the hindrance of everyone including myself? The bible in 2 Thessalonians 3:11 states For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies’. It is evident that God dislikes busyness with idleness. I want to encourage you to take an inventory of your day, and ask yourself and God am I being busy productively or busy with idleness? If you find that you’re busy then analyse what you are busy with, if it’s idleness stop it, do a course and get back into work, if it’s gossiping stop it and help the person you’re gossiping about. Do not waste any more of your time in these unhealthy environments, but seek to be in a place where you’re busy with being productive thus making the world a better place, it’s in you – just do it!

Until next time, remember you are beautiful and wonderfully made – With love Amanda x

 Amanda Alexander is a Pastor, Teacher, TV Media Journalist

Founder of Female Dignity & Amanda Alexander Productions

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¹ BUSY | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary

² How Constantly Being Busy Affects Your Well-Being (verywellmind.com)

³ Productive | Definition of Productive by Merriam-Webster


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