Home African Caribbean A Passion for Refugees

A Passion for Refugees

by caribdirect


Corinne Gray is a Fulbright Scholar from Trinidad and Tobago. She could have chosen a corporate job, one that pays a lot of money but yet she decided she wanted to help people, she decided she was going to help refugees.

Gray works with UN Refugee Agency’s (UNHCR) and her job entails traveling to refugee communities across the globe. Gray works to help displaced people, in displaced communities, get on track to living a normal life.

Here is Gray speaking at the Skoll World Forum 2016

So why did a Fulbright Scholar decide to take this journey? The answer to that question is obvious from her recent interview with Trinidadian newspaper Newsday. Gray said,

“Growing up, my two biggest dreams were to be a professional singer and to change the world. I grew up with a mother who was a social worker, and as far as I can remember, I always felt a deep affinity with humanitarian causes. I remember crying whenever I watched the news about human suffering”

She went on to say…

There was something about the humanitarian field that also called out to me. I think for many years I had a hard time reconciling the two.

I never in a million years believed that I would be doing what I do now. And it all started when she was 8 years old. Today when people might feel despondent about the future of Trinidad and Tobago

“It’s rewarding to work as part of something bigger that seeks to protect and assist some of the world’s most vulnerable. It feels rewarding to know that the little I do is part of something bigger and meaningful.”

She made a call to action to support refugees, adding that the Living Water Community takes care of refugees in Trinidad and UNHCR now has representation here.

Gray returns home every other year and says she misses her family and the food – she cooks Trini food wherever she is and recalls making pelau for Germans while living in Berlin and watching them eating the “bun-bun.” Inspired by people of all cultures enjoying local food, she has toyed with the idea of opening a gourmet Trinidadian restaurant.

Her plan, however, is to return home one day and start her own social enterprise to benefit not only Trinidad, but the entire Caribbean.

Because of her responsibilities with UNHCR she does not have time for her other passion of music.


Source: http://mycaribbeanscoop.com/trinidad-and-tobago/at-8-years-old-this-trinidadian-woman-wanted-to-change-the-world-now-she-is-doing-it-in-a-big-way




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