Home Business Detox for good living – 1/2 price Special Offer

Detox for good living – 1/2 price Special Offer

by caribdirect
Vilma Brunhuber Holistic Integrative Nutrition and Health Coach

Health news. Special Offer – 1/2 price for a full detox protocol plus as a bonus you will receive an Elimination diet.

For the 2 week detox protocol –  you will receive menus, daily (if needed) email support, 2 personal phone or Skype talks and lots of educational information.

Give yourself 12 Days to eliminate key toxins impacting your hormones; so you can lose that extra weight, feel clear, focused and regain ample energy and vitality.

Who is this for?

Pretty much any woman who wants to press the reset button this time of the year. If you display any of these symptoms, you are a good candidate for detoxification:

  • Feeling fatigued – even after 8 hours of sleep.
  • Your brain is not working – you experience foggy brain, memory loss and slowness.
  • You suffer from depression and/or anxiety. 
  • Your moods are ruining your relationships.
  • That cellulite is not going away even when using creams and pads.

    Photo courtesy wwwblisstreecom

    Photo courtesy www.blisstree.com

  • Craving sugar and/or salt.
  • You feel worse when going through emotional or stressful moments in your life.
  • Fertility issues – you had miscarriages and/or can’t get pregnant.
  • Your hormone labs are “normal” but you are still experiencing many symptoms 
  • You have “always had” slow metabolism; difficulties to lose weight and cold hands.
  • Your hair is falling out and/or became dry and thin.
  • You have been exposed to environmental toxins.
  • You are taking a long list of supplements to feel “better”
  • You failed to lose weight on all previous diets (because nobody ever told you how to get to the root cause of your slow metabolism, sick thyroid and hormonal imbalances).
  • You are just fed up with feeling this way.

Plus, specific conditions (if you have been diagnosed) such as:

  • low or high thyroid function
  • adrenal fatigue
  • estrogen dominance
  • androgen dominance (excessive male hormones)
  • progesterone deficiency
  • PCOS
  • menopause
  • perimenopause
Detox is great even for a healthy person.  it’s just like a ‘reset button’ for your body and mind.



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