Home African Caribbean Strip Frank Hester Of his OBE To Punish Him For Racist Comments And Inciting Violence Towards Diane Abbott MP

Strip Frank Hester Of his OBE To Punish Him For Racist Comments And Inciting Violence Towards Diane Abbott MP

by caribdirect

To: Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

Why is this important?

It has been reported that businessman Frank Hester, made racist and sexist comments to his colleagues about Diane Abbott, the longest serving Black MP in the UK. Here’s what makes it even more awful: he’s the biggest donor to the Conservative Party, and was awarded an OBE by David Cameron.
Rishi Sunak told us that as Prime Minister he was going to bring the country together. This is his chance to prove he was serious. If Hester made these comments, he should not be allowed to hold one of the highest honours in Britain, his vile comments do not represent us and he is not fit to hold an OBE. If he said these appalling words, we have to hold him accountable for this behaviour, and show that there are and should be consequences for these kinds of remarks.
Earlier this year, hundreds and thousands of us came together and forced Paula Vennells to hand back her CBE for her role in the Horizon scandal. This is our chance to do the same again – we can make sure that racist, sexist behaviour is punished instead of being rewarded, and have Frank Hester’s honour removed too.



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