Home Business Eco Joins Forces With Globally-Renowned Business Gurus

Eco Joins Forces With Globally-Renowned Business Gurus

by caribdirect

AN INNOVATIVE solutions business developing a range of world-first green technology has been chosen as the UK’s first exclusive partner by globally-renowned business gurus.

Eco has teamed up with Dr Ernesto and Martha Sirolli to join businesses in Italy, Switzerland and the USA in a network of companies working with the dynamic business leaders to bring innovations to market.

Eco’s mission is to make a profound and positive difference in people’s lives and have a significant and sustainable global impact. 

Eddie Black, MD of Eco, Annan Business Park Way, Annan; Thursday 13th January 2022 JENNY WOOLGAR PHOTOGRAPHY

The link-up with the Sirollis was formalised after Eco’s founder and Managing Director Eddie Black and Eco’s Group Opportunity Strategist Gary Robertson met with the duo at an innovators conference they hosted in Italy this summer.

Eddie said: “As soon as we met Ernesto and Martha and heard more about their approach to business and innovation we were blown away by their way of thinking, their knowledge, their ethos and their connections. 

“We knew immediately that we wanted to continue the association in some form and we are over the moon that they have chosen Eco as a business they want to collaborate with in the UK to help make innovations happen. It’s an exciting and potentially transformative partnership for our business. 

“We are committed to being at the forefront of the net zero revolution – and working in collaboration with businesses so they can do the same, creating a legacy which will make a difference now and for generations to come. 

“By harnessing our expertise, resources, and innovative spirit, we aim to spearhead transformative initiatives that address pressing environmental challenges, foster sustainability, and enhance the well-being of individuals and communities worldwide. 

“Through our collective efforts and partnerships, we aspire to leave a lasting legacy for future generations, inspiring others to join us on this journey towards a better, greener, and more equitable world.” 

Dr Sirolli, a highly-respected authority in the field of sustainable economic development, said: “We are delighted to be working with Eddie and the team at Eco.

“Innovation is now on the mind of every CEO of every company in the world. Technology is changing so fast that businesses must adapt or die.”

The Sirollis’ work with Eco will initially focus on bringing innovations even further to the forefront of the business through their Boundary Rider programme.

A Boundary Rider is an Australian term for a cattle station employee, like a cowboy, whose duty is to check the outer perimeter – ie the boundary of the property – and to report anything out of the ordinary back to management. They can work independently, are resilient and reliable.

The Sirollis apply this methodology to an organisation where it is the job of a person, or a group of people, within an organisation, to be scanning the business and society horizon for innovations which have the potential to positively change the world, as well as transform their business.

Dr Sirolli said: “We offer corporations a tool to search within teams, the people with emerging strong entrepreneurial spirit. We focus on ‘intrapreneurship’ making sure the smartest people on the team are listened to. 

“We then create a safe space, what we can call an ‘innovation oasis”, and build a clear path to bring innovative ideas and practices to the attention of the senior management for evaluation and decisions. 

“It offers businesses a risk-free, cost-effective, well-managed tool to empower action inside any organisation wanting an edge in competitive markets.”

The programme helps ensure winning ideas aren’t shut down like happens in many companies because of tiers of management who might have contradictory agendas. It means instead that innovations are owned by those who are passionate about them, have ‘skin in the game’ and then the innovations go through a fast-track and structured process to help deliver business success.

Dr Sirolli, founder of the Sirolli Institute, an international non-profit organization, is also an author and among his titles is: How to Start A Business and Ignite Your Life – A Simple Guide Combining Business Wisdom With Passion.

He gave a TEDx talk: “Shut up and Listen” which has been translated into 35 languages and downloaded more than three million times since he first delivered it in 2012.

The Sirrollis will be visiting Eco at its 3,000-square-metre self-built HQ at Annan, Dumfries and Galloway later this month to start the Boundary Rider programme.

Eco’s services include its EcoGoZero range of carbon mitigation strategies; dry ice cleaning; process solutions; design, build and fit out; IT and communications; and bespoke training systems. 

FEATURE PHOTO: From left: Dr Ernesto Sirolli,  Eco’s Group Opportunity Strategist Gary Robertson, Martha Sirolli and Eco Managing Director Eddie Black pictured at a meeting in the USA this month.



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