Home African Caribbean Poem On The Struggles Of Haiti And The Country’s Troubled History

Poem On The Struggles Of Haiti And The Country’s Troubled History

by caribdirect

Haiti fought heroically and gained its independence in January 1804. 
Since that time, Haiti’s progress to its dreams and hopes,
the tentacles of colonialism chocked its aspirations and hopes,
for a better world that its young could express,
Haiti can be a jewel within the Caribbean Oasis.

Gangland Paradise Haiti has become,
a land filled with pain, hopelessness and doubt.
Everything seems to oppose these lands achievements,
whether it be earthquakes, Hurricanes and other disasters,
the pain of its people knows no bounds, 
as many Haitians pull their homeland apart.

Colonialism, despotism and dictator’s greed,
Haiti has suffered much, and also these.
The poorest nation on this troubled globe,
Haiti seeks its salvation before it implodes.

The poor Haitian seek the survivor’s goal,
to be able to build upon some sort of dream.
But what can these people achieve, when
poverty, no jobs or a future Haiti breed

The world has no place in this island nation,
for Haiti needs to solve itself and be absolve of its sins,
that each Haitian choose the rightful government,
and how the nation should proceed, 
the right to choose happiness over others greed.

A revolution needs to happen in this beautiful land,
throwing out the killers, dictators and corporate users,
bringing back a true national pride,
and being the democracy so aspired in 1804.
A nation evolving towards whatever is the cure?

Steven Kaszab
Bradford, Ontario
[email protected]



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