Home African Caribbean ‘Are You Existing Or Living?’

‘Are You Existing Or Living?’

by caribdirect

Lifestyle Columnist, Amanda Alexander

This week’s article is written to challenge us to look inside our hearts and ask ourselves these two important questions. Firstly, are we existing in a self-centered life or, secondly are we living in and for the service of others? The answers will determine whether we’re living or just existing on this planet earth. 

Why am I asking these questions? Well, as a Christian lady Jesus makes it very clear how we should be living and the medical sector has proven exactly what Jesus said to be true. Regardless of whether you’re a Christian or not, one thing is clear and that is we all walk this land in a human body.  I’m also highlighting this because it’s so crucial in these uncertain times that if we analyse lives, we will then see exactly where we are in society and within ourselves. Inner conflict or peace is manifested by our behaviour and speech. 

So, are we existing? The word existence means according to the Merriam Webster’s Dictionary is ‘the state or fact of having being especially independently of human consciousness and as contrasted with nonexistence’¹ This meaning absolutely blew me away as it denotes that we can be alive in a body devoid of human consciousness, operate like robots flowing with the current trends and whims around us. I remembered before becoming a Christian that I existed only for the present as described in Matthew – chapter 6:31So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear? 

I was deceived into believing that ‘Me, Myself and I’ was the centre of the universe. Externally I appeared to be having a great life, but internally I was a conflicted, miserable lady,  I was existing in a self-centred life. I was being carnally minded which led to me experiencing some of the symptoms described by Dr Michael McGee. 

He wrote in his piece titled ‘Self-Centredness’²  “Being self-centered is costly. It is at the root of many psychiatric illnesses, including addiction, personality disorders, anxiety disorders, and depression. Self-centeredness damages relationships, because self-ruminations rob you of the capacity to tune into and attend to others”. I truly thank God for taking me out of the land of existing in self-centeredness, it was very destructive and I don’t want that for anyone. 

Living a life in and of service to others has resulted in my being in touch with God and who I am as a human being, it’s an inner place of peace, empathy and love.  I’m in touch with my human consciousness and understand that there are people who need what God has deposited in me for their well-being. To be able to share His hope, love, joy and meet the physical needs of others where I can is an absolute delight. I no longer care about my personal needs because I know God is taking care of them as stated in Matthew chapter 6:28-34. I can honestly say that I am now living a fulfilled life, not existing in a self-centred one. 

I encourage you today to take an inventory of your life and if you are existing please change it to living, you will feel so much better, joyful and free within yourself! 

So until next time, remember you are beautiful and wonderfully made – With love Amanda x                  

 Amanda Alexander is a Pastor, Teacher, TV Media Journalist

Founder of Female Dignity, Warrior Women & Amanda Alexander Productions

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¹ https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/existence

² https://drmichaelmcgee.com/self-centeredness/


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