Home African Caribbean Black Cultural Archives (BCA) Appoints New Chair

Black Cultural Archives (BCA) Appoints New Chair

by caribdirect

Message from Dr, h.c. Yvonne Thompson: I am humbled to have officially been passed the leadership baton to take up the role as Chair of the Black Cultural Archives, the custodian of UK Black Historical Archives housed in its iconic home at 1 Windrush Square in Brixton SW London.

Even more noteworthy is that this happens in the 40th anniversary year of the founding of this organisation; important to note only the history but to the future of the black community and our future leaders. None of this would have been possible without the visionaries on whose shoulders we now stand – Len Garrison founder and Dawn Hill CBE whose guidance and focus brought the organisation to marking the milestone of being the longest surviving Black organisation of its kind. Not forgetting the incredible staff and supporters who have kept the BCA “alive” during one of the most difficult period in recent times.

My ambition is to support the delivery of the new exciting 10-year vision and consolidating the BCA’s profile as the leader in this space; ensuring that communities look towards the BCA when researching all things historical in respect of the Black communities in the UK.

I’m excited to be working with the amazing @Lisa Anderson our new Managing Director, the top notch, new and “old” Board of Trustees, all experts in their industry arena,  Christienna Fryar Katie Dash Harneck Chilemba Silaja Birks Olakunle Babarinde Sharmaine Lovegrove Marie-Claire Amuahah Rukayah Sarumi Claudia Kenyatta Caroline Hussey-Bain Derren L. 

We look forward to welcoming you to visit us at the BCA. We’re currently open between Thursday and Saturday plan to have our doors open for longer in the future.
Find out more about our work and plans at https://lnkd.in/etgh6ytP

“Know Your History To Navigate Your Future” !
#future #community #leadership #london #respect #leaders
Dr. h.c. Thompson Photo Courtesy PALAssociates Photographye every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.



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