My focus is on women as we must do more to build, encourage and cheer each other on the difficult and wonderful paths of life. Men are very good at slapping each other on the back and saying ‘well done mate’, or if they have a fallout they’re quicker at resolving arguments than women, which I find tremendously admirable.
We are living in very turbulent times where many women are juggling single-parenthood, being a wife, chief cook, bottle washer and working. The various roles we are involved in are never ending, even when we hit the sack our minds are still racing at 100 miles an hour. When we get a moment to stop and breath we then come to the realization that we are tired, feel emotionally depleted and that’s when we should have our sisters encouraging and letting us know that we’re doing a good job, instead of being petty or even being jealous of each other. I’ve been at the hands of pettiness and jealousy and needless to say it is weary, sad and unnecessary.
But what does encouragement mean and how do we give it? The best definition I found to define this word was from ‘’¹ Encouragement is defined as ‘an expression of support or approval, or is words or actions that assist or inspire someone or something’. The Bible also endorses the use of encouragement and states in 1 Thessalonians 5:11² ‘Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing’.
Encouragement has a powerful positive impact on health, Benjamin O Beckley in his book ‘The Power of Encouragement: Unveiling Keys to Staying Encouraged and living as an Encourager’ ³ emphasises the importance of encouragement, he says “Encouragement is a spirit lifter and energy booster, and the presence, as well as the absence of it, surely makes great difference. Everyone needs еnсоurаgеmеnt, life is full of discouraging situations and happenings. Family issues, health challenges, unmet expectations, disappointments, betrayal, marital breakdowns, failure, and lots more.
A lot of people are burdened with the feeling of being pressed in, соrnеrеd, unworthy, unloved, or соmрlеtеlу overwhelmed by the сirсumѕtаnсеѕ of their livеѕ”…
So how do we give encouragement? It’s very simple…by saying some positive, uplifting words we are giving spiritual strength to one another, this in turn will shatter the feelings of unworthiness, feeling unloved, it will also kill jealousy and pettiness. Encouragement can also be demonstrated by doing simple acts of kindness, like babysitting or treating one to a spa day. Furthermore by dealing with disagreements speedily it creates a positive vibe that a fractured relationship has a chance of continuing.
Encouragement is powerful, as we celebrate Christmas and enter 2022, let’s do more to encourage each other, we will feel better about ourselves and also be a contributor to the building of others.
Until next time, remember you are beautiful and wonderfully made – With love Amanda x
Amanda Alexander is a Pastor, Teacher, TV Media Journalist, Founder of Female Dignity & Amanda Alexander Productions
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¹Encouragement Meaning | Best 8 Definitions of Encouragement (
² 1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV – Therefore encourage one another and – Bible Gateway