Home African Caribbean Caribbean Joke: Trinidadian Politician Saves Child’s Life

Caribbean Joke: Trinidadian Politician Saves Child’s Life

by caribdirect

A lady and her 7-year-old son were eating in a restaurant.

The boy suddenly swallowed a coin he was playing with and choked. The mother tried slapping his back, rubbing his neck, shaking him hard and everything she could think of, but the coin couldn’t come out.

The boy began to turn blue. The desperate mother started screaming for help.

A man got up from a nearby table, and calmly without saying a word, lowers the boy’s pants and squeezed his balls.

The boy yelled and spat out the coin. The man then returned to his table without a word.

Soon, the mother calms down and approached the man to thank him for saving her son’s life.

She asks, “Sir, are you a doctor?”

“No, ma’am,” comes the reply. “I am Colm Imbert, the finance minister of Trinidad.”
“I know how to squeeze everyone’s balls to make them cough up their last penny.”The sad Truth. . 😂



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