Home NewsBarbados News Barbados defends money spent on Commonwealth trip

Barbados defends money spent on Commonwealth trip

by caribdirect

(Barbados Nation) The money spent by Prime Minister Freundel Stuart and his official delegation to go Down Under is not a waste and could actually save taxpayers at least a million dollars in the long run, a senior Government minister says.

In a spirited defence of Government spending Bds$260 386.41 for the contingent to participate in the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) that began yesterday in Perth, Australia, Minister of Industry, Small Business and Rural Development Denis Kellman insisted what could be accomplished at the “important” meeting was priceless.

“It is not just about going to the meeting, you know, it is the opportunity to meet people outside the meeting and discuss important issues . . . .

“Can anybody put a cost on the savings the Prime Minister might have saved this country by going to the Commonwealth Heads of Government and meeting all of those leaders instead of having to go and meet them one by one?” he questioned.

(Source http://www.stabroeknews.com/2011/news/breaking-news/10/29/barbados-defends-money-spent-on-commonwealth-trip/ )



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