Home CaribFood Corner Caribbean Food: Chicken Foot Soup

Caribbean Food: Chicken Foot Soup

by caribdirect

Staff writer Lil Miss Kim

So lately I’ve been feeling a bit under the weather (wait….why do people say that though?…what the hell is that suppose to mean?)..anyways you get my drift…I have that horrible, dreadful thing called the flu.  What better remedy to conquer than some good ol’ chicken foot soup…huh? right! Granny knows best ;-J

So you’ll need chicken foot (of course), pumpkin, yam (preferably yellow yams), potatoes, corn, carrots,  cho-cho (lol..you should know what that is) onion, escallion, thyme, pepper, pimento seeds and some Maggi cock soup/chicken soup (whichever you prefer..they taste the same to me:-).

First chop the chicken foot (oh… please note this is plural but nobody says ‘chicken FEET soup’…hahahaa….thats funny lol…I crack me up sometimes) you can give each two or three chops ..and nobody eats toe nails…please ensure that the chicken foot is properly cleaned and all nails are chopped off (eeeewww).  I actually season my chicken foot before I start cooking it.  Just add a little salt, and black pepper on them before putting them on to boil.  You can add a little salt to the water even though it may not be necessary since you will soon add the Maggi soup.  If you are putting corn in, you may want to add it at this point.

Once the chicken foot starts becoming a bit tender, it’s safe to start adding your pumpkin, yam, and dumplins (if you like…but what’s soup without dumplins anyways).  With the pumpkin added, the colour of the water will now start changing and your soup is slowly beginning to look like…well..Soup ;-J.  By now it should be safe to add your cho-cho, carrots, potatoes and seasonings. Add your  escallion, thyme and pepper…and that should smell lovely! Just a little bit of onions will do (this is optional).

When the pumpkin is cooked you may want to crush it out to thicken the soup and give it a rich taste.  You can now add your Maggi Cock Soup.  It should look like this when you’re done!


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