Home Culture & Society 90 Seconds Saves

90 Seconds Saves

by Delia Dolor

Isn’t it unbelievable that all 99 passengers and four crew members survived Tuesday’s crash of Flight 2431, en route from Durango, Mexico, to Mexico City?

Another unbelievable statement I read this week concerning the crash came from Mary Schiavo, former inspector general of the Department of Transportation. Citing the International Civil Aviation Organization, she said, no one dies in 87% of air crashes.
90 seconds in the air took on a new perspective for me after I learned that
changing the seat fabric and the insulation on seats give passengers 40 to 60 extra seconds before the cabin fills with deadly fumes. In order for a plane to operate, “you have to show that everybody can get off that plane” in 90 seconds, Schiavo said.
“The reason for the 90 seconds is that is the time that studies have shown that you can get off before the plane starts burning; before there can be a very large fire or explosions; or before fumes fill the cabins.”
Here are a few thoughts Schiavo advises passengers to do that can help save their lives:
  • Don’t get drunk
  • Wear sensible shoes that are easy to run in
  • Know where the plane’s exits are
  • Wear clothes covering your arms and legs

Source: CNN Transportation Analyst Mary Schiavo

Red Cross and rescue workers assist at the scene. PHOTO: Red Cross Durango / New York Times



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