Home African Caribbean T&T Regional Leadership Symposium in a few days

Caribbean news. The Caribbean Leadership Project (CLP), funded by the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development and executed by the Canada School of Public Service, will convene its third Regional Leadership Symposium from December 3 -4, 2014 at the Hyatt Regency Trinidad.

Bob Whipple. Photo courtesy www.leadergrow.com

Bob Whipple. Photo courtesy www.leadergrow.com

Approximately 200 public sector leaders from across the Region will participate in what promises to be an exciting, educational and engaging event.

On December 3, the twenty-four public sector leaders who are currently enrolled in the third cohort of the CLP Leadership Development Programme (LDP) will tackle the wicked problems: of Caribbean Migration; Economic Diversification; Supporting a Regional Knowledge Economy and; the Implications of National Debt on Caribbean. In this regard, symposium guests can look forward to being engaged in a lively discourse about these complex issues currently facing the Region.

On December 4, the Symposium will feature Mr. Bob Whipple, the TRUST Ambassador for a highly impactful session that will provide a heightened awareness of the benefits of trust and how public sector and community leaders can take positive steps to achieve it.

Participants will gain a better understanding of the nature of trust and learn many methods for achieving it on a daily basis. They will also examine the common pitfalls that can destroy teamwork and trust, along with the antidotes for these problems. As one of the top 100 Thought Leaders on Trustworthy Business Behavior, author of several leadership books and a highly successful leader at a Fortune 500 company for over 30 years, Mr. Whipple accomplished revolutionary change while leading a division of over 2000 people through the application of outstanding “people” skills.

Following Mr. Whipple’s session, will be the presentations of three Caribbean Bright Spots in Leadership Development: 1) The Effective Principals’ Training Programme: Creating High Performing System and School Leaders in Jamaica; 2) Excellence in Service Delivery – Immigration and Passport Department in Grenada and; 3) The Professional Development Programme for Returning National Scholars in Trinidad & Tobago.

Participants will learn about powerful change drivers that have created an enabling environment for these regional bright spots and how to build from these positive experiences in leadership development from organisations in our own contexts.

For further information about the Caribbean Leadership Project, please visit our website at www.caribbeanleadership.org  or contact Mrs. Alaine Murray, Project Communications Officer at [email protected] or via telephone at (246) 417-3152/ 230-6083.


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