Home African Caribbean Tropical Sun Celebrates 21st Birthday with Jamaica’s Children

Tropical Sun Celebrates 21st Birthday with Jamaica’s Children

by caribdirect

World Foods specialist Tropical Sun is celebrating its 21st birthday by investing £21,000 towards community projects in Jamaica and the UK.

Some of the funds are going towards much-needed renovations at White Marl Primary School and Jose Marti Technical High School. Both schools are in Central Village, Jamaica, where many of Tropical Sun’s signature products including Jerk Seasoning, Ackee and Callaloo are produced.

White Marl Primary School, which houses 1,300 pupils aged 4-10, was fitted out with cupboards in the guidance council department and a security guard post with toilet facilities. Jose Marti Technical High School, which offers valuable vocational training including auto mechanics, information technology and drafting, benefited from extensive refurbishments to the lecture theatre, junior staff room and junior school classroom, including fixing holes in the roof, reupholstering 180 chairs and installing partitions to block open space atop classroom dividing walls.

Tropical-Sun 21st Birthday JA School Renovations

Tropical-Sun 21st Birthday JA School Renovations

“We’re fortunate to be able to create jobs that sustain many wonderful communities worldwide. Having worked so closely with the Jamaican people over the last 21 years, it seems fitting that we should celebrate this milestone by giving back to the community that has given us so much”, said brand manager Jag Singh.

Tropical Sun has a long history of working with businesses, charities and education projects and will continue to support good causes. “Our customers and the communities we serve have always been a priority to us and we are honoured to be able to continue to be part of community initiatives worldwide that make a difference” said Singh.

Tropical-Sun 21st Birthday JA School Renovations

Tropical-Sun 21st Birthday JA School Renovations

Tropical Sun is also supporting The Balham & Tooting Community Sports Centre, one of the UK’s first Jamaican sports clubs, which is raising funds for building renovations and offer better facilities for the community.

The Tropical Sun brand began in 1996 and was amongst the first food brands to consistently and regularly bring in authentic foods from Africa and the Caribbean to the UK. Starting with a few specialist ingredients, the brand has now expanded to over 250 products from all over the world including Asia and South America.


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