Home African Caribbean Toxicity Could Be the Cause of Your Symptoms…

Toxicity Could Be the Cause of Your Symptoms…

by caribdirect
Vilma Brunhuber, Holistic Integrative Nutrition and Health Coach

Health news. Toxicity Could Be the Cause of Your Symptoms and it’s Reversible. Now, more than ever, we must take advantage and maximize the body’s detoxification pathways because of the toxic world we live in. In nature we plainly see daily and seasonal cycles that support the survival of plants and animals.

For example, birds fly south, whales migrate, and leaves turn red and fall off the trees in autumn. While all this is happening, we only put on or take off a sweater. Our survival, just like the birds, depends on being connected to these natural cycles through eating seasonally, cleansing regularly and living in harmony with nature.

Spring’s first line of duty is to detox all of the excess fats and proteins and holiday food we stored all winter. It is nature’s weight loss season. The first foods that are harvested in the spring are the bitter roots, like dandelions and the florescent green spouts that fill the valleys every April and May.

The bitter roots sweep the excess mucus out of the sinuses and intestines, while the chlorophyll rich sprouts fertilize the gut to re-establish our natural intestinal flora, which is our good bacteria. These are followed by an abundant harvest of leafy greens and berries. The leafy greens are wonderful alkalizing lymph movers and blood cleansers, while the berries are detoxifying antioxidants to finish the detoxification process of the spring.

The Detox will benefit anyone if:

  • You may be feeling stuck with your health.
  • You may have bloating or constipation (or the opposite).
  • You may have brain fog.
  • You may be feeling like you were good earlier in the year, took it all away and you “slipped”.
  • You may be feeling grief for the warm days that have long passed and the long dark days now.
  • No matter your rhyme or reason, it really is time to get in-tune with the season.

Spring detox foods grocery list:

(March – June)

–       Vegetables – alfalfa sprouts, rocket, asparagus, bean sprouts, bell pepper, bitter melon, cabbage, carrots, celery, chard, chicory, collard greens, dandelion, endive, parsley, radishes, watercress

–       Herb teas – chicory, cinnamon, dandelion, ginger

–       Berries

Photo courtesy www.girlsofto.com

Photo courtesy www.girlsofto.com

Recipe of the Month: Green Juice

2 Cucumbers

2 Celery stalks

½- 1 lemon with skin

1 green apple

1 inch ginger

1 handfull parsley or

6 kale leaves ( if you have Thyroid problem, substitute with dandelion or beet greens, or just Romaine letters)

The problem is that while we watch all this happen every spring we rarely eat enough of the spring harvested foods to get the benefits of nature’s new year detox. If you lived on a farm you would quickly realize how fast and furious the harvest is in the spring. You simply can’t eat the leafy greens and berries fast enough. So this spring, take advantage of nature’s detoxification season and eat more greens, sprouts, bitter roots, berries and cherries.

I would love to hear about your experiences.  You can find more suggestions on:

My website www.vilmaswellness.com ,

Facebook http://www.facebook.com.vilmaswellness,

Twitter @vilmaswellness ,

or by joining my thyroid group [email protected] .

Or you are welcome to contact me personally via [email protected]

To your health,

~ Vilma B


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