Home African Caribbean The STING aftermath Part I: Why was D’Angel really banned from STING

The STING aftermath Part I: Why was D’Angel really banned from STING

by caribdirect
Kerran Monroe. Jamaica Entertainment Correspondent

Kerran Monroe. Jamaica Entertainment Correspondent

Caribbean news. Sting might have been over for weeks now but the residue is still present.  After a raunchy, unwarranted performance with Ninja Man, D’Angel was issued a ban of at least five years as a patron; by the Sting promoters.  Reggae and Dancehall artist Sizzla was also issued a lifetime ban for sentiments that he expressed during his performance.

D'Angel. Photo courtesy urbanislandz.com

D’Angel. Photo courtesy urbanislandz.com

As for D’Angel, she was not booked for the event but that did not stop her from getting on stage, not once but twice; first with her ex-husband, Beenie Man then with Ninja Man.  The performance with Ninja Man was what got her the 5 year ban.  During this performance, she made reference to the picture of her southern region that has been circulating on social media, she lifted her dress; as well as she did a scissors split with her legs while laying on her back and also while sitting on stage.

The question many, like yours truly are asking is; did this really warrant a 5 year ban from Sting?  Watching and following Sting over the years, we have seen much worse happen.  We have seen performers throwing bottles in the crowd; we have seen at least one physical fight on stage; we have seen a gun being handed over to the police by a sting performer on stage.  None of these actions warranted a ban from Sting; whether it be as a patron or as a performer.

Over the years we have known Sting to be the Anything Goes stage show in Jamaica.  Also it is nothing new for an artist who has not been booked for the show to come on stage anyway and perform.  So what then is the real reason, D’Angel was banned?

Ninja Man. Photo courtesy missgaza.com

Ninja Man. Photo courtesy missgaza.com

One sentiment is that; she was banned because she interrupted Ninja Man’s set.  Had it been anybody else’s set, it probably would have been OK.  However, the man with the money behind Sting is also

the man with the money behind Ninja Man.  This was Ninja Man’s platform to shine for the world to see (via Pay Per View).  This was the Billion Dollar Man’s chance to showcase his artist to the world and to reap some rewards on his investment. Check out video of the whole show below.

We all know that Ninja Man’s performances are usually spontaneous.  So, when Ninja Man said this is his first time practicing with a band before a performance; some saw this as Ninja Man’s team’s way of fine tuning and packaging him to present him to the world.  D’ Angel was not a part of that package; she detracted from what was to be.


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