In an effort to restrict the likelihood of introduction of COVID-19 into the Saint Lucian population, the Department of Health and Wellness on February 4, 2020 put in place travel restrictions on non-nationals with a travel history within the last 14 days from Mainland China, (whether in- transit or originating).
The Department of Health and Wellness extended the travel restrictions of persons with a travel history within the last 14 days to Hong Kong, Republic of Korea, Japan, Italy and Singapore effective Wednesday, February 26 at 12 a.m.
We note an escalation in the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 cases internationally as well as the spread to 122 countries outside of China, including the Caribbean region.
As such, we extend the travel restrictions of persons with a travel history within the last 14 days to include Spain, Mainland France, Germany and Iran and the United Kingdom effective Tuesday, March 17, 2020 at 12 a.m. The Government of Saint Lucia is working with the authorities from Martinique in defining the terms of the commute between the two countries.
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Persons who travel from the United States within the last 14 days who develop respiratory signs and symptoms will be isolated and tested for COVID-19.
Any national returning to Saint Lucia with a travel history to any countries restricted above will be quarantined for 14 days. The Department of Health and Wellness also discourages all non-essential travel to the places listed above.
Also, effective Monday, March 16, 2020 cruise vessels will not be allowed to berth into our ports.
The Government of Saint Lucia will continue working to strengthen the local capacities against this global threat.