Home African Caribbean Saint Vincent hire bridge designers to stop flooding

The government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) entered into a contract with Egis Eau of France on July 13, 2015, for the design and supervision of bridge replacement and flood mitigation works in Kingstown, Green Hill, Dauphine, Fenton, and Arnos Vale.

The contract, worth some EC$1.96 million, is funded by the World Bank under the Regional Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project (RDVRP). The proposed works are part of government’s priority investments to reduce the country’s physical and economic vulnerability to adverse natural events through building resilience to current and future climatic changes.

South River Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Photo courtesy www.flickr.com

South River Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Photo courtesy www.flickr.com

The consultants will, over a 12 month period in the first phase, prepare designs of bridges and fords at South River, North River, Green Hill, Dauphine and Fenton, and river embankment and flood protection at the North and South Rivers in Kingstown and the Warrawwarrow River in Arnos Vale. The designs are expected to ensure that vital transportation and other physical infrastructure are protected in times of excessive rain events. In the second phase, the consultants will, over a 12 month period, support the supervision of the construction of the bridges, fords, and river embankment protection.

The EC5.4 million RDVRP is supporting SVG’s efforts to prevent and adapt to the effects of climate change, strengthen hazard and risk evaluation, and improve decision making.

Background Information:

The EC$165.4 million SVG RDVRP was declared effective by the World Bank on September 9, 2011, and is being implemented over a seven (7) year period that ends on December 31, 2018. It is 100% financed by credits of US$46.52 million from the International Development Agency, Strategic Climate Fund Pilot Program for Climate Resilience grants of US$12 million, and a Strategic Climate Fund Loan of US$3 million. The project is being implemented by the Public Sector Investment Programme Management Unit of the Central Planning Division. For further information, please contact the Project Coordinator, Richard MacLeish.


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