Home African Caribbean Pole falls on passenger bus in Dominica

Caribbean news. Passengers aboard a Nissan civilian bus had to scramble to safety earlier today after a utility pole came crashing down on their vehicle.

Utility pole lands on a coaster bus near Wesley

Utility pole lands on a coaster bus near Wesley

Social worker Francis Joseph was on the scene when the incident occurred somewhere along the main road between the North Eastern Funeral Home and the village of Wesley.

“I heard some chain saw cutting and noticed a coaster ahead of me stop and immediately I saw a coconut tree fall across the road onto electrical wires and the impact of that brought down an electrical pole just about 50 feet from the impact,” Joseph said as he related his first hand account of the incident.

“The pole came down and landed on the roof of the coaster. The passengers on board immediately got out and there was a brief electrical spark from the coconut tree hitting the electrical lines,” he recounted.

Fortunately, according to Joseph, the impact of the falling tree and pole did not pose any immediate danger to passengers but the incident did hold up traffic for some time. Article courtesy http://dominicanewsonline.com/


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