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Persevere Persevere Persevere

by caribdirect
Olive Guillais-Lazure

Olive Guillais-Lazure

Community news. A big ‘salute’ to those that took part in the London Marathon over the weekend.  They have certainly spurred me on to take part hopefully next year.

I’m not new to running, though haven’t run or jogged for over 1 year.  Previously, I have been running for at least 15 years.  The longest distance I have ever run is 8 miles none stop in about 1.5 hours.

I can say based on my personal experience, that running was something that I absolutely enjoyed doing.  Getting up early for a morning run (all weathers) before going to work was a regular occurrence for me.  How I was able to do this was a matter of perseverance of course.

What the marathon has taught me is that, in our continued existence, we have an inbuilt mechanism which can be activated or ‘turned on’ at any time.  Like a piece of equipment, with an inbuilt process, that once triggered, is activated, comes alive, and starts working again.

Photo courtesy www.buildyourspirit.org

Photo courtesy www.buildyourspirit.org

This clearly is what those that ran the marathon last weekend have clearly demonstrated.  Some of the runners having to stop and walk, whilst others continuing to run the whole distance.  They have clearly initiated the process for me to begin working on building my perseverance again.

The marathon has also demonstrated that, with our inbuilt mechanism, perseverance enables us to continue trying to achieve, despite how difficult the distance is initially.  We find ourselves from time to time, needing to have a ‘kick start’, or a helping hand in starting off our engine, if it has managed to slow down or stopped for whatever reason.

In our continuing existence, what we all need from time to time, is that ‘something’, which will initiate an activity or our inbuilt process, to commence, to increase or to develop.


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